Chapter 18

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TRIGGER WARNING!!! Kidnapping, non-consensual nudity, non-consensual body changing, threats of SA, death, injury, and mild magical torture!!!! Please proceed with Caution!!!

You groaned when you finally woke up, slowly opening your eyes before immediately closing them again with a hiss as bright lights assaulted your sleepy eyes. What the hell? Who turned on the lights?! You grumbled as you slowly opened your eyes again only to find your vision fuzzy as it struggled to focus on the glowing, purple lights that pulsed through the dark iron above your head. Where had those come from? You wondered before whining as a stabbing pain suddenly shot through your head, causing you to close your eyes again to try and will it away so that you could maybe sleep a little more. It, understandably, didn't work.

You sighed in resignation as the pain continued to course through you when you started to wonder. Where did that pain even come from? Did you hit your head earlier? Or maybe you were coming down with something? That's when you remembered...You remembered the darts, the net, the little cell, the creature that seemed to come from the darkest depths of your imagination before everything went black. You felt yourself start to panic as the memories continued to come to you and started to shake your head wildly. This had to be a dream, it just had to be! This couldn't be real, right? That...Thing couldn't be real! You slowly opened your eyes again, only to be met with the same sight as before, only now the whole place was coming into focus and you felt your panic grow at the realization that you had no idea where you were.

    You quickly tried to sit up to try and find out where you were only to find that you couldn't which made your eyes widen. Panicking, you looked down and to your horror found yourself strapped to the metal table completely in the nude. Fuck, this was bad! Really, really bad! You quickly started squirming, trying to free yourself from your confines when you heard a door slide open behind you. You felt as though your blood was replaced by ice as you started struggling harder, trying to get away when two gross, burnt metal hands slammed onto the table on either side of your head, forcing you to come face to face with the nightmare who knocked you out yesterday.

"Good, you're awake and alert...Welcome to the experimental wing of the First Lab." The thing said with mock formality before pushing itself away from you and moving out of sight. You heard small metal tools moving and crashing into each other and you felt your blood run, somehow, even colder as you had no way of knowing what he was doing. Was he grabbing a scalpel?! Oh god...WAS HE GOING TO DISSECT YOU-?! You were torn from your thoughts when the thing came back into view, now with your three pearls in hand. He silently observed you for a moment before moving around your naked body, placing one on your chest, one on your upper abs, and one on your lower, though those last two kept nearly falling off due to your hyperventilating. When had you started hyperventilating? You weren't sure, but you were feeling too frightened and exposed to even think of stopping which led to the thing having to keep catching the pearls before they hit the ground. After the sixth time this happened the being snarled before punching the table, you were strapped too, barely missing you as you tried to flinch away. "Hold still, otherwise I'll be forced to do this another way."

"T-this?! What's 'this'?" You stammered out, frightened by what 'this' could be before flinching again as those red pinpricks found your eyes.

"Your transformation." It said shortly before snarling again as one of the pearls nearly slipped off again and you whimpered, though it did little to satiate the beast as this time it slapped you across the face, causing you to cry out in fear and pain. "IF YOU DON'T STOP MOVING SO ERRATICALLY I WILL BE FORCED TO STUFF THESE PEARLS IN YOU, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" You felt yourself choke up in fear at the threat. That meant he would either push them in you or-or slice you open! You started to shake, feeling your panic grow ever stronger, but you quickly forced your body to still as much as possible, not wanting to be violated any more than you already have been. The thing seemed pleased that the pearls stayed in place when it put them back on you as once it was done it caressed the cheek he had hit, causing you to wince and gag slightly. "Good..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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