Chapter 11 (Smut/Lemon)

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Content warning! Smut, marking, praise kink, scent kink, heat, biting, mild blood

When Sun woke up the next morning he couldn't stop the happy purrs that came from him at the sight in front of him. In his sleep he had seemingly pulled you off of your nest and into his arms, keeping you safe and warm as he curled around you whilst Moon curled behind both of your heads, acting as a pillow for the two of you as he slept soundly. It was just perfect in his eyes. He chirped happily at that thought and rubbed his face gently against yours, shocking himself with how badly he wished to just lay here with you.

Sun usually wasn't one to enjoy sitting still, but for some reason, you made him want to. Just laying here with you, with that wonderful, fuzzy feeling in his chest made everything seem so...perfect. Especially now that Clide was gone! Moon had told him last night after you had fallen asleep. It was so so so wonderful! Now you wouldn't have to live in fear of that ghastly human ever again! Now you could just be here and be safe and sound and protected by the two of them! All of you just happy and wonderful and perfectly content!

He sighed happily at the thought before taking a deep breath, planning on exhaling deeply so as to relax more thoroughly, but when a delicious scent wafted through his nostrils he instead tensed up. He nearly did a double take in surprise as he shot up and started scanning the room, looking for the source of the wonderful smell, but he couldn't see anything. Growing ever more confused when he saw nothing abnormal in the room he sniffed the air again, eager to find what smelled so good, but when he could finally follow the scent his eyes widened in surprise. Shocked, he looked down, finding you there as asleep as you had been only a minute ago, which only made the poor Mer more confused. What was going on?

    Confused, yet curious he leaned down, your noses nearly touching before sniffing you slightly. As soon as your scent entered his nostrils he immediately leapt away with a shocked yelp, nearly crushing poor Moon's tail in the process. You! You were what smelled so good! Why did you smell so good?! Who cared? Now that he knew he just had another excuse to sniff you! He let out a delighted purr and quickly nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent deeply. You always smelled good to him, but for some reason, it smelled so much better now! And it made him feel so good to just lay here with you and your scent, it felt like heaven! The fuzzy feeling in his chest even felt stronger! Now it felt all cozy and warm~

    ...Wait, no, now it's getting hot? He whimpered, confused at the sudden change, and tried to push himself up, but he nearly fell back down again as he started feeling dizzy and a strange heat started to course through him, replacing the comfortable warmth he had been enjoying mere moments ago. He frowned and tried to ignore the strange feeling in favor of laying there with you, but it only got stronger and stronger until he started feeling an ache lower down in his body. Thoroughly frightened now he quickly pushed himself away from you, ignoring his instincts that begged him to hold you close, and rushed out the door. Without any more delay, he rushed to the water and dove in, hoping that the ache and heat would leave due to the coldness of the water, but for some dang reason, no matter what tricks he did or to which parts of the pool he would swim in it just wouldn't go away! If anything, it seemed to be getting worse and worse the more he moved!

    Now even more frightened than he was before, he jumped back out of the water and rushed back toward your room, knowing you would be able to help him, but right before he entered he stopped himself as he remembered that he was covered in sand. Moon had given him a whole lecture about tracking sand into the room and how it frustrated you last night and he was determined to never cause you any frustration ever again! So, to make sure you woke up, he started to sing. He didn't sing as much as Moonie did, after all, his voice wasn't nearly as lovely as Moon's, but he needed you to wake up now! Like, right now! NownownownowNOW! His desperation for help fuelled the song and you immediately started to stir. As soon as your eyes started to flutter open he stopped singing and waited as patiently as he could for you to properly wake up, trying to ignore the worsening heat and ache as he did so. As soon as you sat up he started to whine which quickly drew your attention to him, immediately concerned as you no doubt noticed something wasn't right.

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