Chapter 7

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    Oh, you were screwed! You didn't want to be a pessimist, heck, you're usually an optimist but this whole thing is on a whole other level! You had just arrived back to your dorm with Charles and the guards, hoping to be able to rest for a while after the shocking news you had just heard, only to find your room had been torn apart whilst you were out. The sheets had been torn to shreds, the door to your closet had been ripped off, the mirror shattered to pieces, your desk scratched and the chair crushed and this all admits a seas of torn books and papers you had been studying throughout your time here. You carefully stepped through the debris, at first unsure, but when no one popped out you soon quickened your pace as you started searching for one of your most prized possessions. Please let it still be here, please let it still be here, please-

"YES!" You yelled triumphantly as you quickly kneeled by your desk before holding the pearl you got from Sun on your first day up in the air. You smiled fondly at it as you found no traces of damage before carefully putting it in one of your swim gear's pockets. Just when you started to relax though you suddenly heard a loud gasp behind you causing you to flinch in fear but a quick check revealed a very concerned Charles looking around your ruined room. He slowly took it all in, picking up bits of debris before putting them back down carefully until he finally grabbed your lower arm and hoisted you onto your feet, confusing you immensely.

"You can't stay here." He stated shortly before dragging you from the room, ignoring your confused yelps as he did so.

"Charles! I can't just leave all of my stuff! What if he stole something?!" You asked, suddenly remembering that you indeed had other things you cared about in the room, but Charles only shook his head at you.

"Whether he stole something or not your safety has been compromised and I will not be risking your safety for even a moment if I can help it." Charles growled out before taking you into the elevator and bringing you down to the second floor, Security right behind you two. As soon as the elevator opened he quickly dragged you out of it before promptly plopping you down on a couch in between the labs and turning toward the one you recognized as the one you were in with Vanessa. "I need to go and talk to Vanessa about this. We need to put your trial run with Sun and Moon on hold until we can figure this whole mess with Clide out. You need to stay right here with Security in case anything happens and you are not to move from this spot until I get back. Do I make myself clear?"

    He asked and you nodded, too confused to say anything to which he smiled and left for Vanessa's office. You watched him go with growing confusion and frustration as your brain tried to register what was going on around you. Speaking of, what the heck was going on? Why was he so concerned? I mean, you get that he's concerned due to Clide's escape, but you didn't expect this level of intensity from him considering the fact he barely knew you and you didn't really know him as a person either. In your eyes, he was more idol than colleague since you had yet to work together.

    You sighed tiredly before placing your head in your hands, done with everything when you felt something wet on the palm of your hands. You slowly drew your hands away from your face and sighed again when you saw tears glistening in the lamplight. When did you start crying? You sniffed and quickly wiped your tears away, not wanting to appear weak in front of the guards. You must've been in shock since you heard the news about Clide and in all of the time since then this was your first calm moment in which you could just be. You huffed out a breath of air before leaning back, just letting the tears flow before perking up as you heard footsteps approaching. You quickly wiped the tears away before turning to the noise, finding a less-than-pleased Charles coming towards you.

"I spoke with Vanessa and she offered you a deal." He ground out through clenched teeth before pausing. When you nodded to show you were listening he continued angrily. "You can either leave the island and never return, or you can continue your trial with Sun and Moon by staying with them in the built-in room in their enclosure which hasn't been used since its creation. You only have a few days left before your trial is over, so you need to make this choice today."

Into the Deep (Yandere!Mermaid Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipse x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now