Chapter 15 (Smut/Lemon)

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Content warning! Mentions of blood, manipulation, heat, non-concensual touching, sleep sex, somnophilia, dream manipulation, marking, licking, praise, aftercare. Don't want to read? Then stop after Moon enters the room!

When Moon awoke, dusk had only just begun taking hold, turning the day into night. Why did he wake up so early in the evening? Usually, he rested until dusk was well underway, but the answer for this difference was simple. He smelled something divine by his side and needed to know what it was. He slowly blinked his eyes open, yawning loudly before blearily looking around the room, trying to find the source of the smell. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary from what Moon could tell. Sun was, for some reason, already sleeping not too far away from Moon and you were sleeping by his side as usual-

    His eyes widened in surprise as the scent grew stronger when he turned to face you. What on earth...? Cautious, yet curious, Moon lowered himself so that he could rest his face on your chest and breathed in deeply. Immediately his senses were overcome by you as your scent swept him away and a shudder went through him. Why did you smell so good this evening? He wasn't sure, but he couldn't say he cared too much about the why when you smelled so delectable.

    He nuzzled into your chest and purred loudly at the feeling of your soft, warm body underneath his own as your wondrous scent only grew stronger, but it wasn't enough. He needed more of you, your scent. He quickly changed his position so that he was lying on his back rather than his side before picking up your sleeping form and cradling your body against his own, supporting your head with one arm as he pressed it gently into his chest while his other hand held your waist to keep you secure in the new position. He quickly nuzzled into the top of your head and sighed blissfully at your scent, it only growing more wonderful with each time he breathed it in. Speaking of, he was starting to feel all warm and fuzzy with your scent clouding his senses. It was actually starting to get a little hot...He whined and started to fidget as the strange feeling grew stronger, making him nervous. What was happening?

His thoughts were sadly interrupted though when the door to your room suddenly slammed open, revealing Sun covered in blood with a strange smile on his face. Moon's eyes widened in surprise and he quickly turned to the Sun that had been lying in the room with him. Now that he was more awake and he could focus more he could see the slight, slight shimmer that showed that that Sun had been an illusion that Sun had crafted. He frowned and was just about to ask Sun why he had left an illusion in your room and why he was covered in blood, but before he could utter even a single word Sun beat him to it.

"I KILLED THEM!" He yelled, his tone mildly manic and you immediately started to grumble and stir around in your sleep, waking up from your deep rest.

Both Sun and Moon's eyes widened in fright at your little movements, you couldn't see Sun like this! Quickly Moon started to sing the song you loved so much and anxiously watched as you first started to stir more before you slowly, slowly stopped moving around and started to breathe in and out slowly, fast asleep once again. The two Mers breathed out a huge sigh of relief before Moon snapped his gaze to Sun, glaring at his brother who winced at Moon's harsh gaze. Moon sighed annoyedly at this before very gently picking you back up off of him and placing you back in Sun's nest, smiling fondly as you grabbed his hand in your sleep before gently licking your cheek and removing his hand from your hold.

He stood there and watched you for a few seconds more, loving the sight of your small body as you slept before turning around to Sun. Before Sun could say or do anything, Moon put his head in a headlock, causing Sun to yelp loudly as he was dragged out of your room by Moon and into the sand. Moon smiled as he heard not a peep from you as he took Sun out, glad his spell had worked before glaring at Sun's struggling form and throwing him even further from your room and getting into a defensive position, making the large, bright Mer grunt before getting back up and glaring at Moon as well.

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