Chapter 3

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    Moon waited a little bit until after you were gone before he got back out of the water. Once he was sure you weren't coming back he swam up to the shore and laid down before eating the tuna you had brought. This was the first time in a very long time someone had brought him a treat, but that wasn't the strangest thing about the night.
    You were baffling to put it lightly for a variety of different reasons. Ever since he and Sun were brought to this strange place he had been as difficult with his caretakers as he could be after the first one betrayed them and usually he would drag them to the bottom of the pool with his teeth and keep them there until they needed air. It was why nobody came in here anymore except for Clide, but he only came when Moon was fast asleep so that he could try and separate him and Sun for his 'wellbeing'. He had never planned to give you the same treatment though due to how fond Sun was of you, but when he saw you he could see what Sun meant when he said you were different. There was something...odd about you.
    This feeling only grew stronger as he tested you because instead of immediately trying to escape, you just stared at him in amazement, not moving even though he let you go. You only started struggling when you needed air, but even then you weren't nearly as afraid as all those before you had been. You were stupid. You were careless. You were too trusting. You were kind-
    He abruptly stopped eating, startled at that last thought. Kind. He hadn't thought that of any human save one when he was a dumb little pup. He growled in frustration. What was with you? Why were you so...different?! It was aggravating, all humans were evil he knew this! He saw it, he's lived it, heck, he's got scars to prove it! So why did he not mind you as much? Why was Sun so attached to you already even though he's only known you for a day? He was usually friendly with staff, but this was...different somehow.
Moon growled again at the thought of Sun tackling him. Sun rarely ever got in the way of his tests, he knew that Moon wouldn't kill them (yet), but he had gotten so upset when he did it with you that Sun had even fought him! It was nice to see his brother fight again after so long, but he wished it hadn't been between them. He knew that Sun had been far from done scolding him and would probably pick it up again when the sun rose, so for now he decided to just leave it be and just eat his tuna. He'd decide on what to do with all of this strangeness later.

Darkness. Just darkness as far as the eye could see. It was as though light had never existed, that all there had ever been was this cold darkness that seemed to close in on you on all sides, unrelenting in its wish to crush you under its influence. All consuming, terrifying HORRIFIC DARKNESS- Oh wait! It's a giant Whale Mer between you and the surface! This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! You had to get closer!
    You quickly started swimming through the dark water toward the large Mer. Where were you? No clue! All you knew was that this was an incredible feat that few had ever heard of before! Whale Mer's are the biggest of the Mers, but there's only been 1 sighting since they were rediscovered. Even if you check all of the old legends and records, Mers could be nothing but Whale Mers were only talked about a handful of times! Hence your excitement to finally see one up close.
    Huh, that's strange. For some reason, the faster you seemed to swim the further you got from the gigantic Mer. You huffed in annoyance and tried to go faster, but the space around the Mer warped, causing the whole area to grow ever darker and stretched as the Whale Mer quickly turned into a dot until nothing left of it, or the little light that came with it, remained.
    You cried out in frustration before huffing and opting to just float in the dark water. After all, what else could you do? You couldn't tell up from down or left from right in this strange place. You sighed before shivering as something cold and slick rubbed itself against the back of your leg. You quickly spun around to find whatever that thing was but saw nothing but darkness. Then you felt it on the back of your neck, but when you spun around you were once more met with nothing.
Starting to get freaked out you tried to swim off somewhere else, but before you could move you were suddenly grabbed by two pairs of hands and something large like a tentacle without suction cups before you were pulled screaming into the darkness-

Into the Deep (Yandere!Mermaid Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipse x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now