Chapter 10

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TRIGGER WARNING!! Gore (like, lots of gore), swearing, threatening, mentions of harrassment and rape and stuff like this! If you don't want to read this, scroll down to the squiggle line!

    Moon slithered through the night, glowing scales off and sticking by shadowed areas in order to stay hidden as he moved about. He passed by a few Mer prisons as he went, the few who were awake turned to him curiously before immediately looking away when his eyes turned to him. After all, they knew better than to interfere with the hunt of a Mer as strong as him. They knew instinctively that even taking his attention off of his task for a moment, would result in terrible consequences for them.
    Thankfully Moon found Clide's scent not long after leaving his prison for, just as Sun had said, Clide's scent had grown stronger over the past few days and was now very easy to follow. This would be a shockingly short hunt which was a tad disappointing for the Mer as he has not hunted in a long time, but beggars can't be choosers. He followed the scent through the area where all the Mers were being held towards the large nest where you used to live. He cocked his head in confusion though when he noticed the scent veering away from the building and into the dark jungle that bordered the nest before a sharp, wicked smile came to his lips. He must've gone to hide there when he wasn't loitering about here. He knew this hunt would be easy, but this was too easy!
He followed the scent into the jungle, staying low to the ground and taking care to remain both quiet so as not to startle his prey and alert to any sounds that might betray his prey's whereabouts. After a few minutes of nothing he suddenly heard growling behind him. Annoyed, he turned around to find a wild cat there hissing and growling at him angrily to which he smirked before pushing himself up to his full height with a dark hiss of his own. The cat's growling and hissing tapered off as it started to quiver before rushing away with a yowl. Moon chuckled at this before laying low once more and continuing down the trail, hoping that no other creature would interfere with him again as he wanted his first blood of the night to be Clide's, not some random creature.
    It didn't take him too long after that to find his prey, what with Clide's yelling and all. Quietly, Moon crept closer and watched Clide as the bastard swayed from side to side as he drank loudly from a bottle, burping between every chug. Moon cringed in disgust but crept closer anyway to see what he was working with here and how strong the spell's hold on Clide was. Moon was very pleased when he saw that the whites of Clide's eyes were nearly completely black, showing that his madness had nearly taken hold completely, but his ramblings were still very clear and coherent despite this, so Moon focussed on his speech to figure out whether he wanted this to be a quick or a slow kill.

"-That fucking asshole...Stealing my job, taking my place..." Clide hissed before taking another, big swig from his bottle and burping before suddenly snapping his head upwards, smiling horrifically as he looked up at the sky. "Oh, once I get my hands on them..." He laughed maniacally as he placed one of his hands over his face, making for a terrifically mad sight. "Oh, I will make sure that they know what they did. I'll make sure that they suffer, and suffer, andsufferandsufferandsuffer until they BREAK! Then-Then I'll get to them! I'll listen to their screams and laugh at them as I cut them to pieces, rip them to shred, and use them until they're nothing but a husk, and then-and then I'll kill them! That fucking motherfucker! But before that, I'll kill those Mers! Yes-kill those damned Mers first and then them! That'll break their stupid little heart! Then I'll throw them into the ocean where nobody will ever see them ever again! HAHAHAHAHA!!!-"

Moon had stopped listening at this point, too angry to be able to pay any more attention to the vile man's threats that Moon knew were about what he wanted to do to you. How dare he?! How dare he threaten you and Sun?! Daydream of harming you? He didn't understand everything that Clide was promising, but he would not let any of it happen to you. Never would he let anything like this happen to you. He growled darkly before giving a wide smile filled with a dark and horrific promise. If Clide wanted to play with you before killing you, then he would do the same to him and make sure that his end was as long and painful as possible. At least then some of his nightmarish fantasies would come to light~
With this final thought Moon moved away a bit in the direction away from your nest and activated the light on the end of his nightcap, taking care to not light up any of his other scales so as to remain unseen. It only took a moment before Clide noticed the little light despite his terrible state and he started stumbling towards it, but just as Clide got close enough Moon turned off the light and scooted away again before starting to sing. Clide started to shake as the song took hold, obviously growing frightened as when he saw Moon's light again a little ways away he went towards it much faster than before, not caring that he almost fell whilst doing so. Feeble humans always connect light with good...Even if it'll be their demise.
    As Moon continued this game, Clide started growing more and more frantic. The song of madness which instilled fear in the terrible man's heart mixed with the constantly fleeting light made for quite the blow on the man's psyche, but Moon didn't care. This scum didn't deserve to live if he only lived to harm you. This bastard deserved the longest and most agonizing death that Moon had to offer. And for purely this reason, Moon was leading him farther and farther away from the human nests so that no one could hear his screams.
    It took longer than Moon would've liked, but he finally found a deserted cave near the ocean. His internal compass told him he was as far from the nests as he could get, which told him this would be Clide's final resting place. He quickly went into the cave before lighting the end of his nightcap fin one last time, singing as he did so whilst watching Clide stumble as he tried to run after it, but couldn't due to his constant stumbling. Once Clide was deep inside the cave Moon suddenly stopped singing and turned off his light, leaving the doomed human in complete and utter silence and darkness which made him snap.

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