Chapter 4

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"Soooo~," Sun asked as he lay beside his brother who was busy eating the tuna you had left for him. "They're pretty great, aren't they?"
Moon glared up at his brother as he ate his meal. Moon had been in a bit of a sour mood since Sun had chastised him about how he had treated you, but he had totally deserved it! You had been nothing but nice to them and he almost drowned you! He tried to pull you back in after having let you go, what else could it have meant except for that he had wanted to drown you unlike all of those before you?!

"They're...fine. But you need to be more careful. Don't think I didn't hear you speak to them earlier in their language." Moon chastized and Sun whined.

"Why?! Moonie, they're so, so sweet and gentle! And so fun too! They brought almost every toy I've seen the other humans play with the Mers here and let me choose what I wanted to play with! It was so, so thoughtful of them!" Sun said as he excitedly started waving his hands around.

"Did they now?" Moon asked, disinterested as he continued to eat his treat.

"Yes! They brought a whole bunch of those puzzles I've always wanted to try out and some I'd never seen before! One of my favorites were these Japanese Puzzle Boxes. They were so, so, so complex but also so, so, so cool! And they were so impressed every time I solved one of those puzzles. Apparently, they've never been able to solve even a single one in their entire life, but I was able to solve all of them in a few hours." Sun boasted as he puffed out his chest proudly. "They even brought a little notepad and things called markers to draw with. It was so, so, so, SO much fun! I really love spending time with them, they're such a great, great, great friend!"
Moon had finished his tuna at this point and had now turned to face Sun fully, but Sun didn't like the look on Moon's face when he did. He always hated it when Moon carried that tired and worrying look, it always made him feel like a pup again. Moon should trust him! He's a grown Mer now and doesn't need to be constantly looked after!

"Sunny...I'm glad you're having a good time with them, but they're a human. More importantly, they're supposed to be looking after us. If they found what you did interesting, it was probably just to write it down and tell their superiors about this. What do you think they'll do to us if they found out that you're capable of solving these puzzles easily? They'll keep us here, whether we're ready to go home again or not, and use us as attractions. And that's nothing compared to what will happen if they find out we can speak in their language! Remember what happened to Mom and Dad." Moon hissed and Sun winced at the memory.
Mom and Dad...He hadn't thought about them in a very, very long time. He'd almost forgotten what they looked like, but he remembered his mom being super duper pretty and his dad being really, really strong. Back when he and Moon were still pups they had been killed by some sailors they had considered friends according to Moon, leaving them on their own. Sun didn't remember much from that day, but Moon had and became incredibly protective of Sun afterward. It's because of that protectiveness that Moon had gotten so many scars...and how they ended up here in the first place...

"They wouldn't." Sun said shortly, claws coming out as he started pulling lightly on his head fins. "They wouldn't. They're too nice, too sweet. Would never hurt us. Nevernevernever!"

"I know you think that Sun, but please be more careful. Don't get your hopes up like I did, it will only lead to more pain when they betray you." Moon told him, but Sun wasn't listening anymore.
He shook his head from side to side wildly before rushing to and diving into the water, leaving his brother on the shore as he raced through the reefs, kelps, and caves that made up their tiny underwater pen. Granted it was big for a pen, but it could never beat the feel of swimming through the endless ocean. He swam and swam until he made it to the farthest point of their glassy prison where he could see the large building you came from and left to every time you'd come to visit. You were somewhere in there, probably resting up so that you could come and visit Moon later. He nervously swam from one side of the pen to the other, growing worried about what you'd do with the information now that Moon had put it in his head that you could betray them. You wouldn't tell on him though, of course not! You were too kind to do that, too sweet...right?
He whined, worried before coming up with an idea: He would just stay here and wait for you until you came back! He needed to know what you were doing with all of that information, needed to be sure you wouldn't hurt them by telling anyone. He needed to show Moon that his trust in you wasn't silly, that it was well-earned. He needed you to be different, to be good unlike all those who came before you. He needed an actual friend that he knew he could trust unlike all of the other 'friends' he'd had before. He let out a loud whine at the last thought and continued worriedly swimming from side to side by the glass walls, waiting for your small form to appear.

Into the Deep (Yandere!Mermaid Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipse x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now