Chapter 18

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"How is she doing," I pouted over the phone

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"How is she doing," I pouted over the phone.

"Great, she loves it over here," Alyssa laughed, Daisy's little bark heard in the background.

It's only been two days but I missed her. I was lying flat on my stomach on top of the bed, the phone pressed to my ear.

A soft knock on my door interrupted my call, and my head turned toward the doorway. Rosa came in with a pretty red dress on a hanger,  encased in plastic in her hand. I watched curiously as she laid it neatly on the bed beside me.

"What's this?" I ended the phone call and stood up on my feet.

"A gift, from Reid," she smiled warmly, gazing down at the smooth fabric. "He's coming home soon Jade. You should be getting ready by now. You don't want to make him wait," she giggled like a schoolgirl talking to her friends about prom.

I thanked her as she left the room, shutting the door behind her. I sighed, scratching my head. I wandered into the shower, scrubbed myself clean with a bar of lavender soap, and lathered with lotion afterward.

My fingers grazed over the fabric of the dress admiring its silky texture and vibrant color. I took it off the hanger and stepped into it, the dress fitting me like a glove. It hugged all the right places and elegantly flowed to the ground.

I did my makeup and spritz some of my favorite perfume, my heels sitting in a box by the bed. Another soft knock on the door startled me. "Come in," I cleared my throat and turned around.

The door opened, Reid was dressed in a dark suit his chestnut wavy hair combed to perfection. He held a single deep red flower in his hand, a gentle smile resting on his lips.

My heartbeat picked up in my chest, our eyes connecting from across the room. He closed the door behind him, his movements swift and smooth. "You look beautiful corazón," his honey-colored eyes filled with light.

Heat rose to my cheeks, the endearment rolling smoothly off his tongue, sounding like velvet to my ears. He took another step towards me until he was standing before me. I took the flower from him, admiring the beauty of it. "What kind of flower is this?"

His knuckles lightly brushed over my cheekbones and down my slim neck. A shiver flew down my spine. "It's a Red Carnation, it represents my heart," he took my unoccupied hand and laid it flat against his chest. His eyes met mine as the beats of his heart drummed against the palm of my hand.

My breath hitched in my throat, the air in my lungs bleeding out. It beats for you. His eyes told me, the sheer vulnerability radiating from them sending a spike to my own heart.

I trailed my hands down his large arm and dragged his hand over to my chest. His warm palm pressed against the bare skin of my chest. My heartbeat thundering under his touch. So does mine, my eyes communicated to him.

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