Chapter 42 • What are you doing here?!

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((Gone?? Wdym i was gone??? I've been here :3 I'm not late or anything!!!
I'm just studying uwu))


No one's POV:

The halls were all a dull white. A tension was seething in the air. Although pushed back by advice from the west, Soviet still showed himself. He still cared. Deeply, he did.
In the hallway, he waited while leaning against a wall. Beside him, his children all sat patiently. All were dressed formally and didn't muck around or behave like any bored child would. Instead, they stayed put.

Nearby, America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and NATO stood together, by the end of the hall. They had been here much longer, all muttering quietly to each other. All had a distinct look of worry planted on their faces. None of them were smiling or acting light hearted.
"He better not have had anything to do with it." Uttered America as he glared with hawk eyes at Soviet briefly, though long enough for the others to notice.
"He shouldn't even be here if that's the case," responded NATO.

The glaring eyes had many people tense: the nurses and doctors passing by the hall took every step with quacking knees. But, before an argument or - God forbid - a fight, a saving grace stepped in, accompanied by someone who looked near identical to him. UN, here on his own whim and pure curiosity, and WHO, concerned for the wellbeing of Britain. WHO continued to walk through, greeting Soviet briefly, and greeting the westeners with a fuller heart. Though, UN stopped right by Soviet. He looked the other up and down, thinking over his words.

"I didn't do anything." Soviet said without a second thought, in his own language of course.
UN stepped back, racing a brow at the sudden statement. He wanted this conversation to remain peaceful.
"I don't think you did anything!" UN said in cheerful spirits. "It was good of you to notice that something was wrong before Britain fell... It wouldn't have been very good if his head got cracked open." Perhaps his bluntless didn't blend well with his cheery and thankful appearance.
Soviet stared at the ground, holding (or covering half of) his head with his hand. A shaky breath became audible from his mouth.
"I just want to know if he's alright. That's all. Nothing else."
UN crossed his arms very much in doubt, but very much puzzled. It just didn't make sense: the evidence he was provided just didn't add to what the communist was uttering out. Someone was lying, and he hated that very much! (It meant there could more work for him).

"WHO and I are checking... don't start anything." UN ushered as he walked away.
The three children all huddled up together as the tallest walked past. His footsteps were enough to silence a room, reminding them of their own father, who was an intimidating fellow in their eyes.
UN only made brief contact with the westeners, quickly ushering off with WHO into a room.

Now it was back to a tense stand off.

It was perhaps dead silence, other than the muttering coming from the west. And then, a few firm steps echoed closer to Soviet. In his amazing American accent, USA uttered out:
"What exactly are you doing here?!"
"Ame..." NATO and Canada muttered quietly, trying to avoid an all out war from this mere interaction.
"I'm just checking that he's alright, then I'll leave." Soviet stated.
America crossed his arms,
"After what you did?! Hell no!"
Soviet stayed put. He didn't argue back.
"Why did you still have any interest in my father?! Why did you even rush up to him at the party?!"
"Why didn't you?" He responded back quickly and in a hasty tone.

America crossed his arms, muttering under his breath. To his side, NATO stepped over, ready to diffuse any upcoming arguments.
"With all do respect, you're not welcomed here.." NATO's voice was much quietly and less assertive than America's.
"I just want to make sure he's fine. That's all."
By now, his three younger children had began to watch. While they were unsure what was being said, they all huddled up from the atmosphere being created. They all kept a keen eye on their father with trembling bodies.
"Why?!" America hissed.
"Why, might we ask?" NATO restated.
Soviet kept quiet.
"He doesn't like you back! You never even liked him either! Why would you care now?!" America was beginning to raise his voice.
"What do you mean by that?" Soviet soon responded.

America rudely rolled his eyes,
"As if you didn't know—"
"America," NATO muttered.
As much respect as he had for his fellow American, he also assumed the other would say too much. He looked over to the Russian.
"Have you forgotten about the Truman Doctrine at all?" He asked.
"... That's not what I've been doing!" Soviet stepped forward.
"Then what have you been doing?! Why have been talking to him?!" America hissed back.

Soviet crossed his arms. Just for a moment, it felt as if the world went still. It slowed. His mind went silent as he reflected on the past year or so. His heart ached. He took in a sharp breath, recalling how it all ended. It was only one simple phone call from UN, who said he shouldn't interact with Britain. No questions. No argument. Just that... before he hung up.
And then, Soviet glanced at his kids. Britain had made them warm up so much over the past year. For once, it actually felt as if he had a family... But since he's been gone, it just... hasn't felt like one.

He glanced his eye back to the American, who eagerly awaited a response. Though, he became impatient. The star-spangled country turned away, readying to head back to his family. America took just two steps, which echoed the room into silence, and Soviet spoke up.

"Because I love him."

America glanced bsck and scoffed.
"Bullshit! You only wanted his country to become Communist!—"
"I wanted him because I love him!" Soviet said in a more assertive voice.
This time, the rest of the westerners heard. They didn't believe it for a moment, staring with odd looks.

"... Just tell me that he's doing fine... then I'll leave."


((Someone asked that the oneshot between Wales and china should be canon... I mean- If it was canon, then hered be less fluff.. but if you guys want it to be cannon i meannn-))

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