Chapter 35 • Break-up of a relationship.

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((This is gonna be a long ahh time skip but oh well. All the action don't begin again until now :) we live for the drama don't we?
Also we're at 10k views :3 ))


China's POV:

I'm at a loss for words.

I get it, my government (although communist) does have it's differences to Soviet's, but... what does that matter?! It doesn't give him or his people the right to change our borders around or interfere with our relations and such! Soviet himself... he's not outright horrible... But, he'd at least try to command his people to stop interfering with mine in such a way! Wouldn't he?!


I suppose not. Honestly, I'd say he's gone soft on communism. I mean, I want a better relation with other countries! But surely you'd want to spread your ideology instead of just "coexisting".

It'll be fine. Today, I'll speak with him about it. Although our people wouldn't want to see each other (and also haven't been getting along this past decade), me and Soviet are more than keen to speak on a personal level and sort out whatever is going on. It's probably the only reason I stay on his side during large meetings. He's one of the better allies I have...

But with that being said, he's not the most desirable one either. He's hot-headed, an alcoholic, and doesn't often think through plans. There have been so many times where he's made himself look weak because he just couldn't wait to figure out a plan! It's infuriating to watch and not something I want to be associated with. Though, recently he hasn't been so angry... I wonder why.

At his home, I'm greeted by his eldest son, Russia. He's well behaved for his age, but that's most definitely because of how Soviet's raised him... He leads me through the vast amount of halls and all the way to his office. The whole while, he appears more... lively than I've ever seen before; there's a kick in his step and a childlike smile on his face. Perhaps that means Soviet's in a good mood. Good. Speaking with him won't be impossible if that's the case.

At the door to his office, Russia knocks confidently and calls out to his father. Soon enough, the door is opened by him and I take a step inside while Russia waltzes off to do his own thing. The first thing I notice is that Soviet was still on the phone to someone, ushering them a goodbye.
"I'll speak to you later, Британия. Люблю тебя!"
Britain? He's still speaking to him? By now, I'd think he'd of done something with him... maybe influence his actual country? Or spy on him and his allies...? But I haven't heard any word about that. And I would've by now if that were the case.
Saying that, I do speak to Wales (though not as often as Soviet speaks to Britain) and I've not really done much with that... But that's because I'm expecting Soviet to do something with Britain! And also, Wales isn't someone with enough power to influence an entire united kingdom! He's only someone I can just speak with and get information from... and some company. Not to mention, he most definitely still has that evidence on me... Regardless! I'd of thought by now Soviet would've done something with Britain!
And what does he mean 'Люблю (love)'?!

"You still speak to him?" I ask.
Soviet nods his heads,
"Of course. Why would I not?"
"Well, I thought you would have done something by now is all."
My eyes dart to the calendar. October of 1969... How long have they been speaking for? Nearly a year! How long is he going to drag this out for?!
"What do you mean?"
"Y'know, spying? Getting information? Spreading communism - our ideology?!"
He shuffles back in his seat, clearly disinterested in my words. Why would he be?! There's not reason for it!
"Or..." He stutters, "getting better relations with the west?" He soon suggests.
He can't be serious? After everything that's happened! He would surrender like that to the west? He won't even try to keep his foot down and not fight back? I'm not asking for a war, but at least try to stand up for your beliefs!
"... Sure... sure..."

I don't want to argue with him about this. Not yet at least. I came here for something else anyways.

We spend the next hour discussing the issue we've got going on at hand. He doesn't back down. Is he serious right now?! All the times I've stood up for him in meetings and stayed by his side, even when our people were still arguing, and this is how I'm being repaid? He won't even try to ease the tensions? He won't back down on this, but he'll back down to the west?! I bring up all of this to him, to which he shakes his head.

"I'm not backing down to anyone!—"
"What about Britain then?!" I argue back.
I don't ever raise my voice; it doesn't make me look good, but I've heard and seen too much. He's backing down to the west, definitely. He's gone soft. And that Britain has only made it worse.
"What about him?" He crosses his arms.
A noticeable red blushes his face. He's actually in a relationship with him, isn't he? Disgusting.

There wasn't much else for us to speak on. As hard as it is, I'll have to let go of him as an ally. He was a good one, but I can't be associated with someone like him anymore.

To think... him and Britain together?! Disgusting! And there's probably not much I can do about it...



((okay i know there's more to the sino-soviet split, but like... ur reading a Wattpad fanfic about a commie and a short British guy dating, I'm not adding an abundance of historical accuracy.

also, some random art inspired by @moonlightfellinvoid

also, some random art inspired by @moonlightfellinvoid

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