Chapter 12 • Found.

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Britsh boy's POV:

The living room was nicely warmed up. The sun, wherever it was hidden in the clouds, was most definitely pointing downwards to signify mid-day. Wales and China were still downstairs, making idle conversation last time I checked. Isn't it wonderful? To have someone who enjoys the same company as you? I'm glad, and I don't care if I've already thought this, I'm glad that Wales is getting some recognition. But it's so strange to me. A week ago, we barely talked. But he's become much... Closer? Would that be the right word? Perhaps?? Well, it doesn't appear as closer, but we've definitely been speaking as if we were – or so I can only assume. I'm not sure if he'd consider us close – or anyone else in all honesty – but I can only hope he does, right? Yet again, he doesn't seem to react much to anything... Actually, no, that's fine! I think that's just how he usually is. It's the way I've seen him act with the other three – and they're all close (or as close as you could imagine). Actually, you know what? I'd rather not think about it. It feels a little rude to question someone's way of expressing.

I bundled up on the sofa, Soviet sat not too far, while the TV played whatever was on. Even though we were just a few inches apart I felt so far from him. I glance at him through the corner of my eye. A small heat – a blushing – aroused from my cheeks. I can't help it. My heart beats wildly. I can't deny it. I think I'm in love. Bloody hell. I want to be in love with this man. But would he feel the same way towards me? No. No, he would not. I need to think rationally! We've only spoken for a week! And besides, we're both men. But... He wouldn't notice if I moved closer, would he? Soviet is fixated on the TV, so surely not?

I shuffle a little closer. I'd hate to risk anything. But, the thrill... The thrill of coming closer – and without him noticing! I begin to inch closer. And closer. And closer. And until our legs eventually touch. He's definitely noticed now. What's he going to say about this!? What am I going to say about it!?
"Что? (What?)" He's glaring down at me with his golden eye, "uhm, Britain?"
My leg twitches back as I also shuffle away, "apologies!" I'm stuttering, "I was just... Cold?"
That was a horrible lie.
"Really? But the fireplace is lit," Soviet nodded his head to the fireplace.

The room was nicely warmed by the fireplace – as it often is. I can't imagine what he must think of me.
"Apologies!" My head burries into my hands.
My heart beats harder. A mess of feelings start to jump at me. Love, guilt, embarrassment, rejection. Eveyrthing is just too much right now. The divorce, my son, NATO, and now this. I take in a shaky gasp. I'm holding in too much. A cold streak runs down my face from my eye. I'm still holding in too much. I'm holding in so much more. I can't have Soviet see me like this! What would he think!? I try desperately to catch my breath.

Something wraps around me and a hand touches my shoulder.
"You can talk about it if you want to."

Sovi's POV:

I shouldn't have come here. I'm dealing with Britain silently crying on my shoulder. He's mumbling something incoherent – and even if it was coherant I wouldn't be translating it in my head. But he's so quiet, too. He's like a little mouse. Maybe he doesn't mean to speak and is instead just talking to himself. I'm not surprised he is.
Every so often, I tune in just to hear a fraction of what he's saying (only when it's comprehensible enough for me). I hear him utter something about the divorce, his son, and NATO. A small twinge of guilt bites at me, but I ignore it. What I'm doing will be beneficial to China, North and I; it's a good thing I'm doing it. I shouldn't feel bad at all.
Yet again, it's only natural to feel bad for just some time. Only a little, though. This feeling will pass. For the time that I will feel bad I will act as such. I kept my arm around the small British man while he continued to cry. It's disgusting. The tears, the snot, and the sound of sniffiling. It makes me feel disgusted. It's like children; they're also disgusting. They make mess, constantly cry, and babble on endlessly. That's sort of how I'd describe Britain. He's babbling on endlessly right now.

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