Chapter 32 • Advice (again, but it's just America complaining)

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((Y'all, I don't think I told you lot my mock exam results :)))
I got a 7 in maths, 6 in English lit and Lang! And everything else I'm passing.
Basically, I'm doing great in my subjects :]]]
Anyways--- I'm actually in such a good mood rn! So with that said, hope y'all enjoy this chapter!! <33))


West Germany's POV (how many POVs we at now? I lost count):

To say it hasn't been stressful is an understatement. I've never seen America so worked up over such an issue before! He's definitely gone through stressful times before, but there's almost always been a resolve to it (regardless of how hard the resolve may be). But this? There's not a clear enough answer... Well, not to him, at least.

"For the last time, USA, there's nothing I can do about it!" UN snapped back.
Very rarely have I heard him raise his voice so harshly. It's not as harsh as others, but still a fright to hear. It's made my body sit as a still as fright can make you, while observing the few people in the room. America, UN, NATO, Canada, and France.
"Do you not find this a security concern?!" America retorted, "Our safety could be in danger!— all of Western Europe could be endangered!"
"Oui!" France chimes in, "How do you think I feel having someone – my ex! – who supports those communist freaks living right beside me and my country!"
A petite hand rests on my shoulder,
"And his, too!" France continues
I jolt my shoulders up at the sudden mention. It's not that I disagree, but I don't believe Britian is a threat to me or France... Hopefully.

Though, their relationship hasn't been the best in recent times. From what I've heard, France had divorced Britain because he hadn't treated her so kindly... but to think that he had been a cruel husband just doesn't sit right with me! When I used to speak with him, he was nothing but kind and polite! Had that been a lie? Was he hiding his true intentions this whole time? Gott, I hope not.

An exhausted sigh is heard from UN,
"I highly doubt that. You shouldn't make personal matters into international ones." He crosses his arms, being firm in his decision.
"UN, respectfully," NATO, who hadn't spoken much, begins to speak, "what if USSR makes this an international issue? Have you not considered that?"
Both NATO and UN (although very young for Countryhumans) spoke with crystal clear clarity; they are completely professional. They knew what they wanted to say and how to say it well. It makes me jealous that I often find myself stuttering every so often at something so dire while they do not!
"I'll intervene if he does such a thing—"
"What if it's too late!" Canada pouts.

"Again, I doubt that—"
"Don't forget–" America interjected "–I've got a Truman doctrine to uphold! I don't want that dirty scum to spread his communism anywhere else, let alone the west!"
UN simply hummed in agreement. Or, perhaps it was more to himself in an awkward attempt at satire, because he followed it up with:
"But it's already proven ineffective, hasn't it?" ((Bay of pigs reference))
I don't think America was close enough to hear (thank Gott). I'm certain if he did, he wouldn't be nowhere near happier. He'd be worse off.

"Nothing. Listen," I recognise that tone all too well. UN wants this discussion to be over and soon, "If anything happens, then I'll get involved."
"How about you prevent something from happening and get involved now!" America argues.
UN shakes his head,
"I'm not getting involved because of dull rumours–"
"They're not rumours! They're true, Canada said so," France huffs.
"Rumours or not, I'm not involving myself in personal matters!"

With that said, we couldn't argue it any further. America was furious with the result of the meeting; for once, he was silent, and I swear I could see an angered expression behind his glasses. But it only makes me wonder, is this all bad? Ignoring how wrong it may seem with those two being together, nothing horrendous has occurred yet. Maybe they're just meant for each other? Even if their ideologies differ, maybe they're working towards a middle ground? Oh, that would be wonderful if they did such a thing!

I do hope that's the case...


"Leave him be, Nada. He's upset," NATO said as he held Canada by the shoulder.
We had arrived back to one of America's homes to rest. America had gone off to a different room, seemingly needing to cool off.
"Its all his fault," France snides, referring to Britain I assume. "Isn't it?" She looks towards NATO and I.
NATO doesn't give a worded response, only humming ambiguously. Then the stares are held at me. What can I respond with?! I don't think it's necessarily his fault, but some blame could be passed to him. What even made him like someone such as USSR? Surely he wouldn't have gone up to him himself. Surely! Unless... what if he's being manipulated?! I hope not! I hope not!

I glanced my eyes at the rest of the group, who are eagerly waiting a response. Is it better to agree or should I speak my mind?
"Uhm... J–ja, he shouldn't of done that..."
Satisfied with my answer, France goes to comfort her younger son. She hugs him and strokes his hair thoughtfully. Its such a caring relationship, one I'm certain Britain wouldn't have wanted to waste away! Maybe I'm still in disbelief over their divorce...

I hear a small tapping against the floor near me. As I turn my head, I notice its coming from NATO; he's tapping his foot against the floor impatiently with his arms tightly crossed.
"Are you alright?" I ask quietly, catching him off-guard.
"I'm fine," he responds quickly. "I just don't want this situation to get any worse."
Neither do I. If anything else negative comes from this, it could lead to something catastrophic... It's not that I don't think America's explosive, but he can get quite ahead of himself. It's not a bad trait! But, he could learn to control himself...
"Should I... Should I try and speak to him?" What would I even say to America?!
"You can try, but I don't think it's a good idea."

I sneak off from the group, searching for wherever America had gone off to. The walls were mostly barren, save for the few windows. How can someone live in such a empty house? I creep up to one of the doors, listening intently behind it. A small murmur of complaining is audible. The moment I knock the door he stops and goes quiet. Should I knock again for an answer?
"Not now!" He grumbles.
"I just want to check on you, Amerika!" I call out, stepping back..
He doesn't respond.

Just as I was about to leave, the door creaks open. America was readjusting his sunglasses, hiding his eyes.
"I'm fine," he says first. "Alright?"
I nod, agreeing with him, though I'm certain he's lying to an extent.
"Do you want to... talk about it?" I ask.
He covers his face with his hand, grunting as he does so. The stars shining near his face dim,
"Is it really necessary?" He spoke so quietly, I was certain he was speaking to himself. "Perhaps I'll feel better. Alright, fine! I'll speak about it!" He huffs.
He lets me into the room, widening the door further.

It's like a private room – a bedroom without the bed! Or I suppose it could be described as a comfortable office. I take a seat on one of the chairs while America leans against, nearly sitting on, the desk. From what I could see, there was a few tissues, some crumpled up already, sprawled out on the desk, along with paper, pens, the usual office stuff, and a picture frame lying face down. The room was too dull to make out any other details. The blinds were shut, shooing away all sunlight. It's been such a pleasant day, why would he want to look away from it?

"I just don't get it!" America starts, "Why would Britain even love him?! It's disgusting!"
It made me get thoughtful. There could be so many reasons, many I haven't even thought of or could understand! The best I can think of is that love finds itself in strange ways.
"Firstly, two men?! Blegh! Secondly! They don't even believe in the same ideology! And thirdly! Has he forgotten all the fucked up stuff that commie has done?!" His hand grips against the table.
"What if they've found, or are finding, a middle ground?" I ask, having already thought of this.
"I doubt it. What if he's been a secret commie this whole time?! Is that why hes been treating mom like shit?!" He blurts out.
I shuffle back.
"And what if his other kingdoms are in on it too?!"
"What makes you think that...?" I eep out.

Ever since the Cold War had started, America has just been getting more and more paranoid. Without hesitation, he'd label anyone who didn't sit right with him a 'commie'. It's getting quite out of hand these days...
"Hm?" He hums back at me.
"What– what makes you think that?" I ask again.
America scoffs, turning his head away,
"Well, isn't it obvious?! They literally work for him! And I'm certain one of them – whatever his name is – has been covering for Britain this entire time!"

He continues to argue this (and various other related ideas) further. It's too much energy to argue it, so I don't.

I hope, just one day, that everything can be resolved peacefully.

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