Chapter 21 • Fuck it, I love you.

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No one's POV:

About a week passes and it's just a week away from December. The once rain that poured whenever in London has began to shift into snow; snow that didn't last long, but was a sign for the weather to come. This day and the few days to come would be quite populated: at least a hundred CH, accompanied by either their security or own people, would be visiting and attending the meeting. It filled UN with pride knowing that plentyful people were willing to listen to his command – though he's not one to use it for no good. No, instead he simply chooses to check in with everyone and decide how to keep the peace. It's just the thing he enjoys (he enjoys the peace, not when he has to fix it).

But, that meeting would be just a days away! UN had other business to attend to before then. Business which might not be important now, but business which he very well needs to look over. At the door of a certain, short British man's home, he knocks and waits for an answer. The door creaked open by the hand of Canada, who is quick to recognise UN's figure and widen the door to let him in.
"Good afternoon, UN!" Canada straightens his posture, "what brings you here?"
"Afternoon to you too, Canada," UN bows his head down to avoid hitting it against the frame, "I'm just checking on Britain. How has he been?"
Canada kept his mouth shut. Slowly, he shut the door, avoiding eye contact. The very question made his stomach curl.
"He's been... Fine... But..."
"But?" UN encouraged.

Canada knew very well that he'd hate to break the promise further, but decided it was only necessary. If anyone could do something, it was UN!
"What's happened?" UN asked further, bending down to Canada's height. There was an urgency in his voice.
"He told me something a week ago – I'm meant to keep it a secret but I feel if I don't say anything, something bad will happen...!" Canada began, "and – and – but I can't have certain people knowing because it might make it worse—"
"Canada, Canada." UN inturrupted, "calm down. Please. Tell me what he said and then who shouldn't know about it. I'll have it sorted, alright?"
"Alright," Canada took a breath in, "father had told me... He told me that he caught feelings for – for – USSR— I don't think it's a good thing, either!—"
"Right. Right..." UN paused, "And you wouldn't want USA finding out, would you?" He was quick to guess.
Canada shook his head intently,
"No, no! If my brother found out then it'd end horribly!"

UN crossed his arms, thinking for a moment. He wasn't against Britain being queer, but it did invoke a feeling of distaste in his mouth. Regardless of how he truly felt, he quickly decided that making a big deal out of it wouldn't end peacefully. And in all honesty... He didn't really want to start any drama over one's personal choices.
"I understand that... But what exactly do you want me to do...?" UN decided he wanted to avoid this topic all together. It wasn't his business and he didn't want to make it his.
Canada pouted,
"Well, are you not concerned?! What if USSR is planning to—"
"Canada. Please. I don't enjoy getting involved in personal matters. If something does happen then I'll get involved." UN said bluntly, "and if he had told you, do you not think it should be kept a secret?"
Canada slowly nodded,
"Right... Sorry..."
UN felt the need to continue,
"You know, that is very sensitive information. You're lucky you've told me and not someone else."
Canada nodded again, looking at the floor,
"I'm sorry... But I'm just worried..."
UN simply nodded and began to walk through the house. He did come for Britian, afterall.

Once he made his way upstairs and into the living room, where Britain was sat, UN entered without second thought. Britain smiled at the other's appearance,
"UN! How nice to see you, are you alright?"
"I'm quite alright," the other responded bleakly, "and you? How are you doing, Britain?"
"I'm quite well, actually," Britain said as he stood up.
Unlike the previous week, he found it quite dizzying to stand up, but now he was fine. Hopefully, the concussion hadn't done him any worse. UN nodded,
"Do you think you'll be attending the meeting by any chance? I understand if you don't–"
"No, no! I'll be fine," Britain smiled, the thought of someone lingering in his mind; he didn't want to miss this meeting at all.
"Are you sure?"

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