Chapter 8 • Behind closed doors.

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No one's POV:

It's quite cold, as usual, in and near Moscow. How many days has passed? Two? Three? It doesn't matter.

Soviet had woken up with a hard headache. It took him an hour to get out of bed and a further hour to get ready for the day. His children ate before he even left his bedroom. The hallways were quiet. As usual. But there was something off about the quiet. While Soviet walked through the halls, his shoe crushed a shard of glass, which he hadn't noticed up until now. Half of a broken bottle lay not too far from the glass.
What did he do last night?

Soviet didn't care. He had things to do today. China and North Korea were visiting, and he had to prepare for that.


Sovi's POV:

I take a step forward into the room. I've kept my allies waiting long enough. It's a very small meeting room, in all honesty. Actually, it might just be small enough to count as an office. Either way, it didn't matter since it wasn't anything important. It was just a casual meeting. An actual meeting was going to be held in a few days. So this is more like a starter. Or a calm before the storm.

"早安 (good morning), Soviet," China spoke.
He had already made himself comfortable inside my home. I must say, he's much different to the Korean sat close by him, who keeps readjusting his sitting position.
"Привет, China and North." I sit not too far from them.
It's just us three. We keep our conversation very casual for the time being.

China, the observant person he was, began to change the topic.
"I heard Britian had visited."
"What!? Him?" North inturrupted rudely.
"Yes, he was." I confirm.
"You actually invited him? Why?" North asks.
"I was building trust. He's very... Vulnerable at the moment."
I notice China has started to think on my statement. I begin to elaborate further:
"He's had a divorce recently and apparently no one from the west has checked on him. I think I told you about this a week ago."
"So you're trying to ally with him?" China asks.
North scoffs,
"He's not much use to us, is he!?"
"No, but it's a great opportunity! We can use Britain as a sort of... Spy maybe? Or get him to leave NATO. It'd be really beneficial to us, wouldn't it?"
China nods in agreement,
"It is. It's very beneficial!"
"And if the other side finds out!?" That's the smartest question I've heard North ask all day. Or ever.
And I'm not sure what to answer with. I suppose it'd do more harm to him than us? Sure, we'd have the blame, but Britain would be in for treason. Wouldn't he? If I found out China or North betrayed me then I'd have them for treason too. So I guess it's the same for Britain.
"I think Britian would be in more trouble than us."
"So, you're planning to pretend to enjoy his company?" China asks again.
I nod.
"Of course. Like I said, it'll be beneficial to us."

That's all Britian is to I. Just a means to an end.


Brit's POV:

It's been one day. The light rain from last night has begun to pour down heavily today. I'm in the living room, tea to the side and the phrase book is ready to be opened. The house is empty right now. Just myself...
I open the book to the first page and immediately a small slip of paper falls out. Strange. If Soviet wanted to give me a message, why didn't he say anything before? It's neatly folded, too. I open it up and see two phone numbers are written down. One is marked as 'office number' and the other 'personal number (only call if necessary)'. An office number? Does he mean a work number...? Would it only call in his office..? That's probably what he meant. And personal number? So it calls the phone which he has on hand. Does he trust me this much already!? I smile at the thought. I'm glad to know he really does care. And I'm more glad to know he trusts me as much as I do, too.

I hear the front door click open from downstairs. Why do I have a living room upstairs? I'm pretty sure most living rooms are downstairs. Two figures creep up teh stairs and greet me.
"I'm back!" Wales says cheerily.
"I'm bloody soaked!" I hear Northern Ireland call out, annoyed.
He wasn't too wet. I'm highly sure he was just driven here. If that's the case, he spent at least 15 seconds outside. I put the book down and stand up to greet the two.
"Good morning, Wales, North!" I can't help but wave with enthusiasm at the company.
Wales approaches me, giving me a letter, "this was at the front door, by the way."
"Oh, thank you." I was about to sit down, but I couldn't help but ask: "do either of you want some tea?"
"No, thank you," N. Ireland replies.
"I'm good, too. Thanks." Wales also replies.
All three of us sit down, as content as can be. While the other two speak, I look at the letter. Who could have sent this? I don't get letters often these days. I open it up and see this message written on it:

'Dear Britain,
I am very sorry to inform you that, until further notice, you will not be invited to participate in any meetings regarding western and eastern relations. Instad, I advise that you send representative of yours in place of your absence.
Please bear in mind that this decision is only temporary and has nothing to do with any personal relations you may or may not have.
I apologize if this causes any inconvenience for you.
Sincerely, NATO'

My heart nearly drops at the letter. This has to be a joke! Right!? My worry must have been noticeable because I hear Wales ask,
"Are you alright, Britain?"
I can't just lie about what's happened. I look up at the two of them. Both of them look concerned for me. I don't know how to explain it. I instead hand them the letter I've just read.
They both read it and clearly don't know what to say either.
"Who are you going to send as a representative?" N. Ireland asks. Is that all he cares about?
"I suppose it'd have to be England?"
I hate to say it, but England is horrible at meetings. He'd be the worst person to represent me. But he's also the more known one out of the other three. Actually Scotland is quite well known, but he probably wouldn't want to go. N. Ireland probably wouldn't be interested either - he's barely interested in the conversation right now! And Wales? Actually... I'm not too sure about him. And, come to think of it, he'd probably do better in a meeting than all three. But do the people in NATO even know who he is?
"That's not gonna end well," N. Ireland scoffs.
"Wales could accompany him," I say without thinking it any further.
Actually, it would make sense if I just send both of them. Wales can keep England under control, and England is actually well known. Problem solved.
Wales gives an odd look and so too does N. Ireland.
"I.. I mean, if you want-" Wales didn't seem to mind.
"Have you even been to a meeting before!?" N. Ireland inturrupts.
"I have been to small ones-"
"Not the ones with us! Like proper ones!"
I swear on the Queen's life... These four are meant to be united under a kingdom and they argue with each other any time they get! I audibly sigh at this.
While the two continue to bicker, I drink some tea and look back at the book. Then I look back at the paper.

I might give him a call.

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