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"I truly believe that nothing is really permanent. Everything that we know and love are merely passing through our lives, never really knowing who's going to stick around and who's going to leave."

"Friends that are deemed inseparable drift apart like ships in the night. One moment you're laughing and having a good time, and then the next, they're off to chase whatever the hell they are chasing, leaving you behind their dust."

"The stuff that is supposed to be constant like your family and your home are also temporary. You'll wake up one day and see that they'll be gone too, leaving you to fend for yourself in this big, cruel world."

"And don't even get me started on relationships. Those are designed to fall apart from the very start! You're going to open your heart to someone and let them in, only for them to leave you with nothing but regret and painful memories of what once was."

"There will be moments where your world might be graced with beautiful sunshine to make everything feel a little less heavy, a little less... temporary. Like a reminder that even in your darkest times, there's always a little bit of light to guide us through."

"But then there are days where the clouds roll in, and the sunshine disappears behind a thick blanket of gray, never to be seen again. And suddenly everything will feel colder, lonelier, as if the world itself is mourning the loss of its warmth."

"Call me bitter, call me pessimistic, but it's the truth. It's hard to hold on to anything when everything seems so fragile. Every single thing, every single person that I have held on too either vanished or walked away from me. It's like walking on eggshells, being afraid to get too attached or comfortable because one day, all of it might come crashing down and crumble to the ground before me. Maybe that's just life, where we don't have to hold on to things too tight, where everything is meant to just pass through our lives like the wind."

"I truly believe that nothing is permanent. The sunshine might not be there 24/7, it serves as a painful reminder of just how temporary everything else truly is. It will temporarily make you happy, just for the bad days to come follow along and take away everything you held dear."

"One can only hope to live in a world with permanent sunshine."

"I know I do..."

My Sunshine (Danielle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now