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Kerry stared at Cindy who tried hard not yo make any weird or crazy thing in-front of them. Just by looking at her,Kerry could tell she was hard and tough on the outside but completely weak and soft on the inside. She tried so hard not to show her weakness and feelings which made Kerry feel bad about asking.

"Who is he? Why did she seem so affected by it? Bingo, bingo. They looked exactly alike more like her photograph meaning they were nothing but siblings. Blood related. But wait, where is he now? Is he dead? No, no Cindy's brother cannot die.

"Are you two okay". Jasper intentionally asked feigning ignorance like he has no clue as to what happened. The door went open as a drunk Toni came to view supported by Nadia who smiled at them walking to Toni's bed.

"Hey twins" she heys at them walking to sit. "Mind if I join you?" She didn't even wait for them to give her their permission when she gobbles down a cup walking out. "Cindy you're-

"Sorry but I'll be going to bed now. Don't mind me continue drinking.

Mitch stretches herself on her bed yawning sleepily with her eyes closed, turning to her left she saw Cindy lying in all glory ob her bed eyes wide open with a bright morning smile.

"Good morning my dearest darling roomie".

She blinks her eyes cutely at Mitch who couldn't help but shout out a "Jesus Christ" rolling down the small short stairs which leads to her bed landing on the floor with a loud 'thug' screaming and groaning.

"What was that?" Aria asks no one in particular, looking around her eyes fell on Mitch who lied a few meters away from her. "Hi-lo Aria". Cindy lied flat on the bed on her stomach with her elbows pinned on the bed, head between her open palms, legs pointing to the roof crossed staring down at them.

"Good morning" she winks at them with a " It's still morning and someone's still sleeping".
"What is wrong with you!!" Mitch yelled at Cindy as Aria helps her up on her feet. "I'm a bit angry" she jumps down the bed twisting her ankle in the process rolling down with a slight "ouch".

"You prepared custard in my hair last night thinking I won't fond out. Come on I'm not a kid and I don't bear the name Ortega just like that. It's F or a good purpose".

"I don't know what you're talking about".

"Oh really you don't?" She crosses her hands under her breasts taking a step forward which Mitch moved a step back. "You really don't" Mitch avoided eye contact with her cause she was peering into her face with those black and white eyes of hers.

"What happened to your hair?" She asks her which Cindy raises a brow flexing her shoulders. "It looks fine" she answers herself knowing Cindy wouldn't.

"Fine!! Do you know how hard, tough and difficult it took me to get that shitty thing outta my hair? It took a lot of scrubbing and it's making my scalp cry in pain.

"Cindy, I really don't know-

"Don't give me that baloney Mitch".

Toni's P. O. V

"For the love of S-L-E-E-P-I-N-G it's still morning. Would you mind-

I cuts myself off once my eyes fell on Cindy who wore a white fluffy pajamas which was a top and it's trousers with fluffy white flip flops,hair scattered all over her face messy yet in an attractive way. Was this not the girl I was crushing on? Wait, we were roommates. Oh My Goodness!!

I never knew we were roommates, well I used to sleep with Nadia. I swear,from now on I'd sleep in my own room with the woman of my dreams.

Damn, how could one look so perfect and breathtakingly beautiful in the morning. I hated the person who distracted her sleep but realizing it was my crush I thanked her for everything. I was planning on roasting the person whole with insults but how could I when it's my girl.

I really love the magnificent sight in front of me. Cindy looked simple yet pretty. Though I was as sleepy as hell I am still glad I was awoken by a good sight. If I was to be Cindy, I could use my morning face as a tourist attraction to gain money.

"Hey" I called, don't blame me, you would have same if you were to be in my shoes. I wore my best seductive attractive smile walking to them. "Good morning" I greeted.

One could tell the greetings were directed to her given how I faced her with a smile. Cindy's eyes dances around me with both brows up yet she didn't answer me. It doesn't matter.

"You can't just blame me for a crime I didn't commit". I heard Mitch say. Screw her, can't she see the seriousness of this situation. Even with the air conditioners on I felt hot and it's just right.

"Keep defending yourself buh mind you, you can run buh you can't hide baby". Oh My Fucking Dam-my Freaking Icy Freezing Motherfucker Holy God, how could she call her 'baby' when your real baby is right in-front of you waiting to be called that. Damn,this would be stressful.

"All you need is to walk out of that door leading me to Jaxson dummy Peres then we would be done". Cindy points to the gate snapping her fingers. Jeeeeeeeeez. I felt like screaming out when Cindy combed her hands through her hair.

Mitch swallows nothing down her throat hearing Cindy. The worst she was dreading all night, the worst she tried to avoid was happening to her. Cindy was going to blame Jaxson for it yet she couldn't confess to it.

Thanks for reading and voting. I wish you could tell me how you felt about it in the comment section. Just a reminder; Toni being gay doesn't make me one. I'm physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, sexually and mentally straight.
I purple y'all💜💜

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