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The first thing she ever remembers being told was that 'pirates are bad', which was pretty ironic considering both of her parents were pirates.
Lia was born to a mother and father who were both pirates, but she doesn't speak about them. To her she doesn't have parents, she's raised herself. Or so she claims. If she was to be asked about her upbringing she would lie, tell a different story every time. She hates thinking about how she grew up, she wishes she could erase all them memories from her brain.

For a few years Lia has been travelling alone, gaining the trust of pirates before eventually killing them. She hates pirates. She believes they're the worst thing to ever be created in this world. The only valuable thing that her parents taught her was how to fight. She still uses them skills everyday, she's just taught herself to be better. She studies how her enemies fight and takes the moves with her, kind of like a thief.

Her only goal in this world is to be the killer of all pirates, and also find out the truth. She wants them all gone, she doesn't believe that any of them can be good. Little does she know, she's turning herself into the one thing she hates most, a murderer. But in her defense she's just trying to survive.

She's on her own solo mission to find out the truth. Are her parents still alive? and why did they abandon her? leaving her all alone in this world of evil. she won't stop until she gets answers.

I was gonna make this chapter 1, but it felt more like a prologue, so next chapter will go straight into it.

honestly i'm waiting for season 2 of one piece which hasn't even filmed yet but i'm still so excited.

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