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Minakshi hurried downstairs, the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air as she entered the cozy café attached to her home. Without a moment's delay, she made her way to the bustling kitchen, where Sushila, her trusted helper, was already at work, expertly preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Sushila," Minakshi greeted with a warm smile, her eyes tired but determined.

"Good morning, Minakshi Ma'am," Sushila replied, her hands deftly moving as she flipped pancakes on the griddle. "Your coffee is ready."

Minakshi nodded gratefully, pouring herself a cup before joining her son, Damru, who sat eagerly at the island counter, his backpack slung over his shoulder.

"Did you pack everything you need for school, Damru?" she asked, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead with gentle fingers.

Damru nodded enthusiastically, his eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, Maa, I've got everything!"

Minakshi smiled proudly, ruffling his hair affectionately before turning her attention back to Sushila. "Thank you for helping with breakfast, Sushila. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Sushila smiled warmly in return, a hint of maternal pride in her eyes. "It's my pleasure, Minakshi Ma'am. You take care of your son, and I'll take care of the kitchen."

With a nod of appreciation, Minakshi settled down beside Damru, enjoying a moment of tranquility amidst the morning bustle.

Starting today, there's a new shift at the hotel, which means Minakshi and her colleagues will be working in the afternoons. This change allows Minakshi to dedicate more time to her duties at the café. Additionally, Ved will be responsible for taking Damru to preschool during this time.

As Minakshi finished breakfast with Damru, she glanced at the clock and realized it was time to prepare her son for school.

"Baby," Minakshi said, turning to her son, "Ved will be taking you to preschool today, okay? Be good for him."

Damru nodded eagerly, his eyes alight with excitement at the prospect of spending time with Ved.

As Minakshi and Damru engaged in lively conversation over breakfast, the doorbell chimed, announcing Trishul's arrival at the café.

Trishul strode in, his demeanor professional yet focused, clutching files and a laptop under his arm. The image in the provided picture suggests he was clad in a sleek black coat, exuding an air of sophistication.

Minakshi's heart skipped a beat as she observed him, a tinge of nervousness creeping into her expression. However, Trishul's attention seemed directed elsewhere as he made his way purposefully toward the counter, bypassing Minakshi without a glance.

At the counter Sushila greeted Trishul with a warm smile as he approached the counter. "Good morning, Trishul! The usual breakfast today?"

Trishul nodded, returning her smile. "Yes, please. And a strong cup of coffee to go with it."

"Coming right up," Sushila replied cheerfully, already starting to prepare his order. "How's your day shaping up so far?"

Trishul sighed lightly, a hint of exhaustion in his voice. "Busy as always, Sushila. But I can't complain. How about you? Keeping everything running smoothly here?"

Sushila nodded, her hands deftly working as she cooked. "Oh, you know me, Trishul. Keeping things in order, just like always. It's a bustling morning today, but nothing we can't handle."

Trishul leaned against the counter, observing her with appreciation. "You do a fantastic job, Sushila. I don't know what we'd do without you here."

Sushila chuckled modestly, a touch of color rising to her cheeks. "Oh, stop it, Trishul. You're making me blush. But thank you. It means a lot coming from you."

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