38• अष्टत्रिंशत्

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With a stealthy stride, the disloyal servant approaches Trishul, who rests in the tranquil garden lost in thoughts of his beloved wife

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With a stealthy stride, the disloyal servant approaches Trishul, who rests in the tranquil garden lost in thoughts of his beloved wife. Unaware of the tragic truth, the king's face is adorned with a soft smile as he reminisces about the sweet memories of Minakshi.

The servant's presence casts a shadow over the peaceful scene, their twisted intentions concealed beneath a mask of false concern. As they draw near, the king looks up, his expression one of gentle curiosity tinged with weariness from his illness. He softly smiled at the servant silently instructing her to talk.

She offers a gentle smile, a facade of concern masking their hidden agenda as she inquires about the king's well-being.
Her voice is honeyed with feigned compassion as she expresses her hopes for his swift recovery, their words dripping with insincerity.

With each carefully crafted phrase, she seek to disarm the king, lulling him into a false sense of security before delivering the crushing blow of their betrayal. Unaware of the impending betrayal Trishul speaks,"I am fine now, you tell me. What is it that you want from me?"

the servant nods in apparent understanding, their eyes betraying the cold calculation lurking beneath the surface. They bide their time, waiting for the opportune moment to deliver the news that will shatter the king's fragile peace and plunge him into a world of turmoil and despair.

The disloyal servant begins to recount the tragic news to the sick king, her voice carefully modulated to convey a sense of sorrow and concern. She speaks slowly, deliberately, as if reluctant to share the heart-wrenching details, her words dripping with insincerity. With each carefully chosen phrase, she draw the king deeper into their web of deception, weaving a tale of betrayal and despair. She revealed the whole heart wrenching details with vigorous details.

"... And they found the horrific burnt body of our Queen inside the hut, without any breath... Although the Queen Mother told me not to let you know, I thought it was best-" her rest of the words didn't get inside his mind.

Shock courses through his veins like icy tendrils, paralyzing him in disbelief as he struggles to make sense of the unthinkable. For a good moment, time stands still, the world around him fading into a blur as he grapples with the harsh reality. He stood there like a statue without any emotion, without any thought, it was like he was high on some drugs which paralysed everything that's how the news came.

When slowly realisation starts to fall he asks,"You are lying" the whisper come more like a statement than a question, it was barely audible.

"No sir, I'm not."

It was like he was possessed, Trishul was not in his senses, his mind whirls with a singular purpose as he races towards the waiting car. His movements are fueled by a primal instinct, his heart pounding with an urgency born of grief and disbelief.

"Take me to my wife." He ordered in determination leaving no room for argument, the driver did as he was told.

The worst thing happened to him when he was in the car, Trishul's thoughts got consumed by memories of Minakshi - her laughter, her touch, the warmth of her embrace. Each passing moment only serves to deepen his anguish, driving him onward with an unwavering resolve.

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