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As the helicopter soared through the skies from Darjeeling to Kolkata, Trishul sat in silence, his mind consumed by thoughts of Minakshi and Damru

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As the helicopter soared through the skies from Darjeeling to Kolkata, Trishul sat in silence, his mind consumed by thoughts of Minakshi and Damru. The breathtaking views of the Himalayas below did little to distract him from the turmoil within.

Darjeeling had bestowed upon him an unexpected gift, shattering the reality he had known. The revelation that his supposedly deceased wife was alive had left him bewildered, a wry chuckle escaping his lips at the absurdity of it all.

Two more days had been allotted to him in Darjeeling, but he departed early, haunted by the scene he had caused the previous night. The alcohol-induced haze had blurred his judgment, leading him to approach Minakshi in a reckless frenzy. The memory of their passionate kiss lingered in his mind, accompanied by a gnawing uncertainty.

Had he irreversibly damaged his relationship with Minakshi? Did she now harbor resentment towards him? The weight of his actions bore down on him, filling the confines of the helicopter with an oppressive heaviness. As the landscape shifted beneath them, he wrestled with the consequences of his impulsive behavior, longing for a chance to set things right.

As the helicopter landed in his palace, he was greeted by his grandmother, father, and mother. Their warm smiles greeted him, contrasting with the weight of his thoughts.

"I missed you so much," his grandmother exclaimed, enveloping him in a tight embrace. He returned the hug, his smile masking the turmoil within.

His sudden change in demeanor caught them off guard. Trishul, who had been burdened with stress and grumpiness for the past five years, was finally smiling.

"After five years, I finally saw you smile," his father remarked, a mixture of joy and relief evident in his voice.

"Yes, all by the grace of Maa Durga," Grandma chimed in, planting a gentle kiss on Trishul's forehead, eliciting a chuckle from him.

Katyayani, his mother, looked on with a mixture of pleasure and relief. The sight of her son smiling brought a sense of accomplishment, knowing that he was finally on the path to healing.

"If I had known that the hills of Darjeeling would work like magic to heal you, I would have sent you earlier," Katyayani mused, attributing all the healing to the mystical powers of the hills.

"Agreed," Trishul replied with a bright smile, knowing full well that his happiness stemmed not just from the hills, but from the presence of Damru and Minakshi who resides within them.

"Okay, let's not waste any more time," Katyayani said briskly. "Go and freshen up, then have your lunch at the restaurant I've booked. You have a meeting with a special guest there within an hour." She glanced at the watch, her tone leaving no room for delay.

Trishul pondered over the identity of the special guest briefly, but decided to set the thought aside for the moment. "I'll find out once I meet them," he thought to himself, opting to focus on the task at hand.

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