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I pull up in my driveway, the call with Tom ended a little bit ago because he had to shit or something.

I don't understand men.

I quickly go into my house, seeing if Aphrodite was anywhere to be seen. "Hellooo?" I call into the house. "Hellooo!" I hear from the living room. "I HAVE SO MUCH TO CATCH YOU UP ON, BUT SUCH LITTLE TIME!" I shout, running into the living room. I see Bill sat next to Aphrodite. "Hey BillyBob." I smile, sitting down next to the both of them.

"Spill." They say at the same time. "Jeez, alright." I laugh.

"Soo.. After Tom literally dragged me out of my own house, we went to his and carried on what we started in the kitchen, but then I stop kissing him and was like 'I thought you hated me' and he was like 'I pushed you away because I didn't want my feelings for you to grow because ever since I saw you I felt drawn to you' yada yada. So, then I was like me too!

I said something like 'I liked you when I first saw you and I thought you hated me but I wanted you to like me or at least be my friend so I could see you again' or something like that. Ew, what I said sounds kind of cringey now I think about it.. But that's it!" I sum up the past 24 hours.

"Aww!" Aphrodite says. "That's adorable. But he is never hearing the end of this." Bill laughs, throwing his arm around Aphrodite. "Okay, I'm going to leave you guys because a certain someone is waiting for me. Have fun, but not too much. And if you do NOT DOWNSTAIRS!" I say seriously, then wink and leave.

I skip over to Toms house - not literally but I wanted to, I was just scared that he was watching me.

I was about to knock on the door but before I could it flung open. "Oh he-" I was about to say but he cut me off, "Took you long enough." Tom says, yanking me into his house. "What's the rush? I'm not going anywhere" I say.

I then I look down and see Tom learnt how to build a tent! Good on him. Just kidding, he had a boner..

"Oh!" I purse my lips. "Yeah, I found your instagram." He smiles at me. "Ah." I nod. Tom crashes his lips onto mine, not wasting any more time. I respond on his kiss, my body heating up due to his warm hands and the fact that I may be about to loose my virginity to Tom.

His hands travel all over my body whilst mine stay put on the back of his neck. I pull away catching my breath. "Tom.." I say, a little bit nervous. "Yeah sunshine? Whats up?" He asks me, tilting my head up with two fingers, letting me see his concerned face. "It's just that, I've never.. You know, before." I say, biting my inner cheek.

"Oh, well do you want to?" He asks, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah.." I say, Tom clearly wasn't convinced, however. He takes my hand leading me to the couch. "We don't have to do anything that you don't want to do." He says, placing me on his lap, rubbing my leg with his thumb. "I want to." I nod.

"Maybe another time." He smiles, pulling me in closer by wrapping his arms around my waist. "This is why you're called Grumps." I huff, resting my head on his chest. "This is why you're still a virgin." He chuckles. "Hey! You're the one putting it off." I gasp, smacking the side of his head. "Uh, ow!" He wines, rubbing his head where I hit him.

"Shouldn't have called me a virgin." I shrug. "But you are!" He argues. "Don't argue with me Kaulitz. Otherwise you'll never be feeling the Pain of Love. I'll send you Running Through the Monsoon with you bags." I giggle. "Okay; one, I can argue if I want to, two, how the fuck do you know my bands music, and three, we don't even live together!" Tom says, clearly unable to fathom that I have listened to his music.

"Just because I've never mentioned it before doesn't mean I haven't listened to your music. I did some major stalking when we first met, you're pretty good by the way." I approve. "Well, that's scary. But it's okay 'cause you're cute." Tom says, stroking my hair. "I can still feel your boner." I say, moving my hips to try and get comfortable on top of him.

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