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I grabbed Roros hand and rushed to our house. I'm annoyed at this 'Tom' person. He thinks he can run all over me in the first few seconds we meet?

He's coming into my town. I love everyone and everyone loves me here. So he needs to accept my kindness for me to be able to live.

I'm not really 'annoyed' I know I said that but I'm just upset really. I have this thing where if someone dislikes me or is rude to me I think about it for the next week. Like, what did I do wrong? I literally baked him COOKIES.

Who doesn't love cookies?!

Whatever. I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm now going to drown my sorrows away and watch Pretty Little Liars! Best show ever. I'm watching it with Roro obviously.

I woke up due to my alarm going off. Time for work! Some people hate going to work but not me, because my job is the best. I'm a model!

Aphrodite is a model as well but we don't have the same shooting schedule. I always see her on my way out though so I fill her in on our photographers mood of the day.

I quickly put on some black gym shark leggings, a plain white shirt and a white fox grey hoodie. I put my hair dark in rollers after I brush it as my photographer Kelly says that she wanted me to. What boss says, I do. No questions asked.

I dont do any make-up because that's what my makeup artist are payed to do!

I pop on my uggs again, can't get enough of 'em!

I grab my car keys and leave the house, locking the door behind me. I was about to get into my white corvette stingray (it's comes out in 2024 so it's not even out now but imagination is key guys!) when I saw Tom also leaving his house.

"Morning neighbour!" I shout waving at him. He just looks at me and waves with two fingers then walks to his car. At least he waved?

I see Stephen on his morning walk. He normally walks everyday because apparently it keeps you staying alive for longer. "Morning Stephen!" I shout at him waving and smiling. "Morning Angel! Have fun at work sweetheart." He shouts back smiling before he walks into his house. Bless his heart.

I then hear Tom make a strange noise. It sounded like he was confused? Shocked? I don't know. I just shrug it off and hop into my car, I put on my playlist and drive to work.

Tom's Pov

I'm walking out of my house to go to Georg's place for band practice when I hear someone shout.

"Morning neighbour!" She says, I look up and see it's Angel. Of course it is. She's waving at me so I wave back quite dismissively hoping she'd get the message. She did and continued to walk to her car, as did I.

She's got good taste, her car's a corvette. Mine is a black audi A7, it's my pride and joy. Other than my guitar, obviously.

She then shouts something else, greeting another neighbour. He talks to her before going into his house. I make a little noise in disbelief getting into my car, why is she so friendly and how are her neighbours used to this?

I dont really care though and I'm not interested.

I start driving to Georgs place, listening to the radio.

A/N- how scrumptious!

Neighbours | Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now