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Toms Pov

Okay, I've been thinking about Bill's words and I think he's right. I should try more with Angel, after all she seems nice enough.

I'll think about it more after my nap, I'm shattered.

I get rudely awoken by a knock on my door. So, I trudge over to my door and open it a little. I see Angel. "Hm?" I hum. She just hands me some brownies.

"Oo!" I make an excited noise. "Thanks." She says. I was about to say something but then she quickly walked away.

I wonder what that was about?

Whatever, I have brownies! I kick my door closed and start eating them.

"Lecker lecker lecker lecker!" I say loudly. This brownies came down from heaven holy shit! These are even better than the cookies.

I'll only have two now though, there are way too many for me to eat on my own. Right? Yeah, right.

I should invite some people over to help me eat them. Or, even better, I could throw a party.

Let's have a party.

Angels Pov

A couple hours after I have Tom my brownies, I hear booming music. It's about 9:30 right now.

Now, I know everyone in the neighbourhood well enough to know that it can be only one person.


To be honest, I don't think anyone would mind, we're all pretty chill in this neighbourhood.

I guess me and Roro weren't invited then. Oh well..

I hear a ding come from my phone.

Tom Kaulitz
'Hey, having a party at mine. You wanna come?'

'I could hear🤣. Give me a couple minutes. Can Aphrodite come?'

'Sure. C U soon.'

*You liked Toms message*

Never mind, I guess I am invited. "Roro! Wanna go to Toms party?" I shout into the house. "Sure! Will Bill be there?" She shouts back. "Ouuu. Yeah!" I shout.

We quickly get ready, fixing up our makeup and putting on a different outfit.

I put on a strapless black dress with holes in the torso and belt loops. I put a bedazzled belt through the belt loops in the dress. Since it was quite cold tonight I put on some black leg warmers on top of my black boots.

 Since it was quite cold tonight I put on some black leg warmers on top of my black boots

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For my makeup, I just put on more eyeliner, lipstick and lined my lips.

I changed out my belly ring to the classic silver one and put on a large cross necklace.

Aphrodite was wearing a short black bodysuit with a cropped black jackets over it with skeleton hands on it.

We looked amazing if I do say so myself!

Once Aphrodite was ready as well, we left.

We walked over the grass to Toms house. Once we got to the porch, I knocked on his door.

It opened revealing Bill, I'm surprised he could hear the knock with all the noise from inside.

"Hey guys! Come in." Bill said smiling widely. "Thanks Bill!" I say smiling back at him, walking in. "Yeah, thank you Bill." Aphrodite says to him, walking in behind me.

Oh, they are so hooking up tonight.

I walk further into the house, attempting to find the kitchen. Instead, I find Tom making out with a girl I've never seen before.

We're not dating but it hurts. Like a pant of jealousy I guess, I don't know why. It's not like I even like him.

I think..

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