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I wake up, still feeling the warmth of Toms body draped on mine. His arms are around my waist, his legs tangled in my own and his head is resting on the nape of my neck.

He is so nice and warm, I can't lie, I don't really want to move - for more reasons than warmth.. But, he doesn't see me like that, I don't think he does anyways. He just kissed me because her was drunk.

But.. drunk words are sober thoughts. Or, drunk kisses are sober scenarios!

God knows what it is, I'll just get up and go home. I don't want to overstay my welcome, never polite and you won't be invited back if you do. That's what my mother always taught me.

I try and wriggle out of Toms arms without waking him up, but it's quite hard to do so when he's holding onto me like I'm his life support. I grab a pillow, placing it behind me, so he's now holding on to both the pillow and me, and then slide under the covers and out of the bed.

Ninja style, I like it! I should be a spy..


Tom is now hugging the pillow, thinking it's me. But it's not. Muahaha

I grab my clothes and head into the bathroom. I quickly change and fold his clothes up. Hurrying out of the bathroom, I put the clothes on the bottom of his bed.

"No goodbye kiss then?" I hear Tom say, in his morning voice. Oh, man! "Rumbled." I grumble, shaking my head.

No more ninja career for me I guess.

"Hello? No goodbye kiss?" Tom gets my attention again. "Hmm. I'll politely decline. I thought you literally hated me anyways?" I ask him, sitting down on the bed.

"Yeah, I do. However, you're hot. And didn't we sleep together?" He asks back. "No, silly! We did sleep but we didn't shag." I shake my head, giggling. "Good." He nods. Oh, rude!

"Ok, that's rude and also my cue to leave! Goodbye, Tom." I say, leaving the room. I jog down the stairs, smelling something good. "Good morning sunshine!" Bill and Aphrodite say in unison. "Hellooo" I smile, sitting next to them.

"Pancake?" Bill offers me. "No thanks, I feel sick if I eat in the morning. Thank you though." I shake my head. "It's fine. What'd you get up to last night anyway?" He asks me, smirking knowingly. "Nothing like that you horndog!" I giggle. "What then?" He asks confused.

"He kissed me last night but he was obviously drunk, so I put him to bed and was about to leave when he asked me to stay in bed with him. And, I was like whaaat..? 'Cause I thought he hated me, you know? So then, me not being able to say no, I said okay fine and I got in.

Then he tried to cuddle me and kiss me again and I was like, back it up bro, but then he did it again. So, I just let him. Then, I tried to sneak out the morning but he caught me and asked for a morning kiss and i was like.. huh? But, that's it!" I say quickly.

"Oh, I also used your makeup remover by the way. So, thanks!" I grin. "Oh, that's not like Tom." Bill says, baffled. "Why didn't you get dick?! I did." Roro says, giggling saying the last sentence and looking at Bill, winking. Bill blushes and looks away.

"Well, clearly. Also where'd you go? You weren't in Bills room." I ask them. "We went out of the party to eat, fucked in the car after eating at McDonalds and went back here! But the party was over by then." Roro explains.

"Ah!.. Lovley."

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