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I wake up to the smell of bacon, realising I'm not at home and also on the sofa. Getting up, I hear my stomach rumble and I follow the smell of bacon into the kitchen.

"Good morning sunshine." I hear Tom say as I sit down at his island. "Heyy.. Moonie? No that doesn't work." I sigh, tapping my fingernails on the kitchen island trying to find a nickname for Tom. "Don't call me moon, it's not masculine." Tom says, handing me the bacon sandwich whilst flexing his muscles at me.

"What do I call you then?!" I wail. "I don't know, make one yourself." Tom shrugs, biting into his bacon sandwich. "The only masculine one I can think of is daddy, but no way in hell am I calling you that. No offence." I shudder. "I bet I could make you.." Tom mutters under his breath.

"What was that?" I ask, I heard him I just wanted to make sure what I heard was what he said. "I said, I bet I could make you." He says smirking. "Okay! Still not helping on the nicknames." I roll my eyes.

"I'm gonna call you... Nothing. I'll just say whatever comes to mind when I see you." I sigh in defeat. "Okay sunshine." Tom laughs, finishing off his breakfast. "I'm gonna have to go soon 'cause I have work today." I frown. "I wish you didn't." Tom says, coming up behind me and kissing my head, taking my empty plate.

"Me too love, me too." I say standing up. "I could always see you after though." I compromise, grinning at him. "I'd love that." He says, coming up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Great." I say. "Great." Tom grins, kissing me.

I respond to Toms passionate kiss, melting into his arms. "I really have to go." I say in between kisses. "Just a couple more minutes." Tom breaths out, grabbing a hold of my hair and tugging it. I comply and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. He grabs my legs and picks me up, sitting me on the kitchen island, never letting our lips break apart.

Toms hands travel up and down my body as he kisses my neck. "I can't have any marks, I'm modeling today." I put my hand infront of his mouth. "Well I'll just have to make them later then, won't I." He says, looking up at me, his lips swollen. "Okay, I can live with that." I smile, giving him one last kiss and then hopping down from the kitchen island using his shoulders as support.

"See you later love." I say, kissing his cheek. "You better." He grins, watching me walk out of his house. Once the door closes, I hurry to my house and rush through the door. I run upstairs and change into some nike leggings and a hot pink under armour running shirt, don't ask everything else is in the wash.

I quickly brush my hair and put some rollers in them, slip on my uggs and run out of the house, grabbing my car keys and house keys on the way. I don't know where Bill and Aphrodite were but I'm on the verge of being late so I couldn't really talk to them anywho.

I hop into my car, putting on my playlist and driving to work. I think that was the fastest I've ever gotten ready.

"Hey Michelle!" I smile, walking into my workplace. "Good afternoon sweetheart, go on in." Michelle says softly, smiling back at me. I thank her and walk into Kelly's room.

"Hey Kell! I have some goss to fill you in on." I grin slightly. "Aggie, spit it out." She says seriously, this girl lives for my drama. "Ok, ok. So I have this new neighbour and he is gorgeous, like seriously GORGEOUS. And I baked for him to welcome him to the neighbourhood, and at first he was all grumpy with me but then he started to be weird around me and I thought he despised me, but turns out he has a massive thing for me!

And I always had a thing for him too really, I just didn't want to admit it to myself 'cause I thought the didn't like me. So then he came round last night and we were making brownies which turned into a make out session.. But we got interrupted, so he took me to his place and we confessed to eachother. It was actually really sweet. I think I really like him, Kells." I explain as Kelly does my makeup.

Today she's doing more natural makeup on me, she's also used a technique that lifts my face. "Well Aggie, he's only human. Also, good for you girl!" She hypes me up, I laugh and thank her as me talking took the whole process of my makeup being done like a whirlwind.

I put on the outfit laid out for me, it was a black lacy tank top which you could see my bra through - that was the style of it, it's not majorly repealing which I appreciate - and some black low-waisted jeans.

"Alright, see you soon lovely!" I smile. "You too babes!" She giggles.

"Angel! It's been ages, how are you?" Stevie asks me. "Great thank you, how are things with you?" I reply. "Good, good. So today I'm thinking more natural and comfortable rather than the normal glam we go for. We've got a deal with a new magazine, also you've got an interview, I've already said yes on your behalf. I hope that's okay." Stevie tells me.

"Yep that's fine, I love interviews." I smile, walking infront of the camera. "Brilliant!" He grins. He tells me how to pose and I comply, doing whatever he says which wasn't much, today all I had to do was pretty much stand there.

Once we were done, Stevie showed me the photos. "They're lovley." I gasp. "Great. I'll text you the details about the interview later darling." He smiles, patting my shoulder. "Thanks Stevie, see you later." I wave, leaving the studio.

I say goodbye to Michelle as I'm leaving and I hope back into my car driving home. I get a call from Tom, I accept it, hooking my phone to the speaker of the car. "Hey sunshine." Tom says, I can tell he's smiling. "Hey grumpy. What's up?" I grin, the name grumpy suits him.

"Have you decided on my new nickname?" He asks. "Yep! Grumpy, grumps, stuff like that." I tell him. "Okay, rude. Why am I being called grumpy?" Tom whines, exaggerating the word grumpy. "And grumps!" I add on. "And grumps." He sighs. "Because you were grumpy to me when we first met." I explain.

"But I'm not grumpy now." Tom reasons. "But you were." I say.

"But I'm not."

"But you were."

"But I'm not!"

"But you were!"

"But I'm not now!"

"But you were then!"

"I give up."

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