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this is more so a headcanon chapter!!

patron trolls are all based off of how i think the character interactions would go, due to the characters in spooky month not having set birthdays

no particular order and im NOT going into what their mediums would be, this is already sucking the soul out of me to come up with.

Skid - Likely a Rogue of Hope. Patron troll would likely be Nepeta. If he was a troll, i think he would be best fit as a bronzeblood. Chum handle is spookySkeleton. No known strife specibus until he got into his medium (he's like 8 years old)

Pump - Knight of Breath, Patron troll would likely be Feferi. If he was a troll, he would likely either be a Oliveblood or a Fuchsia. Chum handle is spookyPumpkin. Same as Skid for the strife.

Kevin - Knight of Doom seems the most fitting, Patron troll would be Sollux. If he was a troll, certainly a Goldblood. Chum handle is candyQuitter. Lollipopkind (DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN? THOSE THINGS ARE SHARP AS FUCK AND HE'S CONSTANTLY AROUND EM.)

Roy - Mage of Rage (that fucking rhymes), Patron troll would be Karkat. Mostly because I would love to see them fight. If he was a troll, likely a lowblood. I want to say Rust. chum handle is hatzLeader. Fistkind.

Ross - Mage of Blood, Patron troll would likely be Aradia. If he was a troll, I would say he'd be a Jadeblood. Chum handle is racoonBoy. Fistkind.

Robert - Page of Life, Patron troll would likely be Tavros. If he was a troll, he would likely be a Indigoblood. Chum handle is tallGoldenretriever. Fistkind.

Streber - Sylph of Light, Patron troll would be Kanaya (shes a vampire what can i say). If he was a troll, he would likely be a Jadeblood + Rainbow drinker. Chum handle is bloodsuckingVampire. Fangkind (shouldve used those fuckin fangs when bob came around)

Bob - Lord of Rage (fuckers in a session w/ him are SCREWED), Patron troll would be Gamzee (theyre both rage players, i think it would make sense). If he was a troll, certainly a Violetblood. Doubt he would have pesterchum to be honest, but considering it's important to the Homestuck plot his handle would probably be rawMeat or some stupid shit like that (wow, this book has a lot of bob slander.) Toolbeltkind.

Dexter - No known god tier, died before the session started and is trapped in the Happy Fella Doll. If he was a troll, likely a Rustblood. Patron troll would be Aradia. Chum handle would probably be something along the lines of exterminationDegenerate. Exterminationkitkind

Dex-Doll (Happy Fella) - Knight of Rage (this session has a lot of knights and rage players holy shit). If he was a troll... well he would still be a doll, so the blood color doesn't matter. He's made of plastic. Though likely modeled after a highblood. Patron troll is still Aradia. Chum handle would be unhappyFella. Knifekind

thats all im gonna do for now because i literally passed out while writing this, its sucking the soul from me.

word count: 511

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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