𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮

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Sweat dripped down Alana's face as she rolled under a log. She quickly shot her arrow at the dummy that appeared in front of her, then shot the row of targets behind it. Come on almost there.... She jumped over a hole in the ground then ran until she saw a door slowly closing. Faster. She ran until she couldn't breathe. The door was almost closed when she threw herself at the small gap, just avoiding getting crushed.

Alana laid on her back, panting. "Challenge completed." She heard.

"Yes!" She cheered, throwing her hands in the air. She then dropped her arms and groaned from exhaustion.

A laugh was heard from beside the huntress. "Finally," they teased.

Alana rolled her eyes. She picked up whatever was closest to her, which so happened to be the hair bow she left sitting outside the training arena, and threw it at the person without looking at them. "I don't wanna hear it, La Rue."

Clarisse stuck her head right over Alana's, finally coming into her view. "I did it first try," she bragged.

The huntress took her bow, the weapon kind not fashion kind, and smacked the curly haired girl's legs with it. "We did different kinds dumbass."

"We don't seem to be in a very good mood," Clarisse faked pouted, pulling the archer up from the ground, simply teasing her more. "Mine was specifically made for me."

"So was mine, I'm the best archer at camp," Alana picked her bow up and turned it back into her necklace.

Clarisse started looking all over Alana's body. "Did you get hurt?" She asked, changing the subject.

"I don't think so," the huntress answered, moving a little so Clarisse could check her.

"Oh! Lie," the Ares girl stood up and pointed to Alana's arm, which had an open wound on it.

"Damn." Alana examined her arm with the gash. "I didn't even notice that."

Clarisse furrowed her eyebrows at the other girl. "Lana, how do you never notice when you get hurt?"

She just shrugged. "Dunno. Just don't."

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

Clarisse and Alana sat in Alana's cabin on the floor right under the sunshine coming through the skylight roof. The huntress was playing on her guitar while Clarisse was listening peacefully.

"Which one?" Alana asked after playing two different riffs.

"Second," the Ares girl answered. "It matches the rest better." She felt something brush against her arm and looked to see a black cat. "Oh, hey Sagitta," Clarisse pet the cat's head and smiled softly.

"Clarisse!" Alana screamed, running across camp to find the girl. She already barged into the Aphrodite cabin to tell them the same thing she was about to tell Clarisse. She would tell her other friends later.

It was her 14th birthday and her mom made sure to get her something every birthday. This year's was by far her favorite though.

"Alana?" Clarisse dropped what she was doing to look around for the huntress. Her siblings looked at her crazy because Clarisse never just dropped what she was doing. She saw a blur of forest green and knew it was her, so she started walked towards it. No one repped their favorite color more than Alana.

"Risse!" The shorter girl skid to a stop, holding her hands behind her back. "Look what my mom got me!"

She pulled what was behind her and put it in Clarisse's face. The Ares girl pulled back to see a little black kitten with the brightest green eyes. "Isn't she cute!"

Clarisse laughed softly, somehow she had never seen Alana so excited. "Hey, her eyes match yours."

"I-" Alana stopped once she heard what Clarisse said. Her face flushed slightly, it was always weird to her when people noticed small things about her. Especially because most people thought Alana's eyes were blue. She cleared her throat and went back to her excitement. "I named her Sagitta."

"Latin for arrow," Clarisse mused. She couldn't tell you why she knew that, it just came to her.

The huntress nodded. "It's also-"

Clarisse smiled, knowing what the other girl was about to say. "A constellation," the two said at the same time.

Alana grinned, adjusting the cat. "How did you know that?"

"I've heard you talk about it," the Ares girl admitted.

A knock at the door startled the now 15 year old girls. Alana set her guitar down and went to get the door, Clarisse trailing behind her.

"Hey Annie," Alana grinned at the sight of her nonbiological little sister.

"Hey Allie," Annabeth bounced between her feet, she clearly was excited about whatever she came here for. She looked behind the huntress to see Clarisse leaning on the doorframe. "Clarisse." She grumbled.

The Ares girl rolled her eyes at Annabeth's appearance. "What's up Nerd Girl."

Annabeth glared at her. Alana moved slightly so she was inbetween them. "No. Both of you. Stop it right now."

Clarisse decided to go sit on Alana's bed before the huntress yelled at her for doing or saying something she shouldn't.

"There should be a new camper coming soon," Annabeth grinned at Alana once Clarisse was gone.

"Really? The one Grover's bringing over here?"

The Athena girl nodded. "I'm excited for him to be back too."

Alana smiled softly, then the expression slowly turned serious. "Annabeth." The girl picked her head up and furrowed her eyebrows at the archer's serious look. "Don't... just don't be upset if it doesn't-"

"I know. But it's gonna happen. I swear."

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

A/N: guess who we're meeting next chapter 🤭

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