𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

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To the outside, Alana and Clarisse looked insane. One day they hated each other, the next they didn't. The two never talked either. It was like they didn't know each other at all.

Alana sat in her cabin, using her green electric guitar to compose something to go with the lyrics she was writing. It was nice to have a cabin to yourself because she didn't have to worry about bothering people with her music.

A knock pulled the girl out of her focus and she walked over there confused. She opened the door to a panting Clarisse. "Hey Allie," she smiled and trailed off, her eyes bouncing around.

Alana just furrowed her eyebrows. "Hey? I have so many questions."

"Can I come in?"

Alana moved from the doorway so Clarisse could step in, then shut the door. "Explain," was all she said.

"Explain what?" Clarisse asked, feigned innocence.

Alana glared at her. "You're panting. And you don't have your spear, so you weren't training. You were running from something, or someone."

Clarisse laughed awkwardly. "Whattttt. That's ridiculous I-" another glare from the shorter girl and she stopped talking. "Ok maybe I was running from someone."

"What did you do?"

The Ares girl bit her lip anxiously. " I might have messed with one of my brothers' girlfriends... and now he's out to get me. And no one will think that I'm in here! Everyone still thinks we hate each other."

Alana blinked slowly, looking at her like she was stupid. "You're so dumb. But also people are realizing that we don't hate each other anymore so they may find you," she shrugged and turned back to her guitar.

"What? Really?" Clarisse furrowed her eyebrows confused. Alana nodded. "Oh do you mean the little Athena kid? She doesn't count."

"Annabeth?" Alana looked back at her offended.

Clarisse waved her hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah, whatever her name is. That one. She's really smart she doesn't count."

Alana rolled her eyes and tried not to smile. "Well you're right, but other people too. The Apollo kids have asked me about it at archery practice."

Clarisse didn't say anything. Why was she so determined to keep their friendship a secret? Maybe it was to protect Alana. Clarisse knew she had already made herself a reputation in the few months she was here. But she didn't want Alana to ruin her own reputation.

Alana just left Clarisse in thought, and went back to her music. She figured it was better that way. She started playing some cords, causing Clarisse to finally look at her again.

Clarisse glanced out the window and saw that everything looked normal. The coast must have been clear. She started walked towards the door and put her hand on the doorknob.

"You don't have to leave you know," Alana spoke, still playing her guitar, stopping Clarisse in her tracks.

"You sure?"

Alana nodded. "Don't worry about it."

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

Annabeth practically pounced on Alana the second she saw her. "Alana!"

"Annie!" She grinned at her little sister figure. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing..." she trailed off, pretending to be nonchalant. "Why was Clarisse knocking on the door to your cabin?!" Annabeth screamed.

Alana jumped and shushed the younger girl. "Because she can? I don't know!"

"You don't know?" Annabeth deadpanned. "Yeah except after she knocked you opened the door."

Alana furrowed her eyebrows. "Were you stalking me?" This would definitely not be the first time a camper had stalked another. They just got bored sometimes, ok?

Annabeth huffed and crossed her arms. "No. i was just waiting to do the same thing." Alana laughed at her pout. "But anyway, was she knocking politely to harass you? I don't think so. Are you two friends?"

"Why does this matter so much to you?"

The Athena girl thought for a second. "I don't know, I mean she was mean to you for months. It's weird that she just stopped and you seem to be friendly with each other. You're my best friend, I don't want you getting hurt by her."

Alana's eyes softened. She leaned down and gave Annabeth a hug. "And I appreciate that. But I've got it."

With one Alana Gatti hug and smile, and all of Annabeth Chase's worried melted away.

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

Alana hated mandatory training. Getting put in a random group because she didn't have any cabin-mates was torture. Sometimes she would ask ahead of time to get put with one of the cabins she had friends in, but she completely forgot this time. She ended up with the Hephaestus cabin. She knew some kids there, some of them very well, but no one she was close to. Plus they were doing hand to hand combat, with absolutely no weapons. Alana was prepared to hate everything about today.

Everyone was paired up after hearing instructions. Whoever Alana's partner was had been taking a long time getting over there.

"Alana, looks like you're with me." Alana looked up and rolled her eyes at the sight of Xander Wright.

"Xander." She spoke monotonously.

The two got into position to fight, one not realizing how the other really felt about him.

"Sorry about tying you up during capture the flag," Xander laughed, dodging Alana's attack. "You get it. Just business. Can't believe your team one without you though."

Alana rolled her eyes. "My team is plenty capable of anything." She spoke sternly, adjusting her position.

"Sure, sure," he attacked her again, this time hitting her. Alana backed up and got ready to counterattack. "But like, you're the reason that we can never get to the flag. And you're always on the blue team with Athena." Alana didn't respond, irritating Xander. He just wanted to talk to her and she was acting like she didn't want to be there. Which, well, she didn't. The huntress managed to flip the older boy over and pin him down. He looked at her with an expression Alana couldn't read. He kicked her over and switched their positions.

A conch shell blew, signaling the switching of groups. Alana kicked Xander off of her. She didn't want him near her. She didn't like him and wanted him to know that. A figure appeared in front of the brunette right as she went to stand up. "Gatti."

Alana made eye contact with the person and smirked. "La Rue."

Clarisse pulled the other girl to her feet and the two smiled at each other as if they were school girls sharing a secret.

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A/N: guys the hate each other sm omg how could someone ever hate that much 🥺

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