ok so I got a little bored...

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And I ended up writing some of the Adam vs y/n chapter early.


Y/N's gaze was arrested by the sight of the angel, his wings aflutter, dominating the heavens. Beside them, Charlie too recoiled in disbelief, her eyes wide with shock.

Y/N's heart churned with emotion–a blend of fury and dread, but it was a feeling he was all too familiar with. The harrowing sight of friends meeting their end on the battlefield was a scar etched deep into his soul. This was just another episode in the endless saga of war.

The demise of Sir Pentious implied that he had been the next to face off against Adam, which in turn indicated a loss for Alastor. The likelihood of his survival was slim. A surge of regret roiled in the pit of Y/N's stomach, his fist clenched till his knuckles turned white. His preoccupation with ensuring the safety of Charlie and the others had blinded him to the fact that he was the most formidable force present.

He should have been the one to challenge Adam.

Brusquely, Y/N shouldered past Charlie and Vaggie. "Move." he commanded, his voice laced with irritation.

"W-what're you doing?" Charlie stuttered, her gaze flickering up to meet Y/N's.

"I'm evening the odds." Y/N replied, his eyes never leaving Adam, who sneered from above.

"Making the battle EVEN? Who're you, BATMAN? Yeah, whatever, good speech though–take this!" Adam lashed out, launching a torrent of white-hot magic towards Y/N. Unfazed, Y/N raised his arm, fingers poised in a dismissive gesture.

"Get that weak shit out of here." He spat, swiping away the flames as if they were nothing more than wisps of smoke. Adam recoiled, his face a mask of disbelief.

"What.. The FUCK?!" Adam spluttered, "How're you able to DO THAT? Only angels.. Can do that... Wait..."

Y/N responded with a low chuckle, his hands slipping to the zipper of their biker jacket. He peeled it off slowly, the fabric whispering against his skin before it hit the ground.

"I got some help." He replied, a devilish grin splitting his face.

In the blink of an eye, Y/N vanished from sight, his form blurring into a specter visible only to Adam. Adam instinctively raised his arms in defense, but Y/N had a different target in mind - Adam's head.

With a vice-like grip, Y/N seized Adam by the cheek, their bodies twisting in a deadly dance through the air.

"Enjoy the ride, piss angel!" Y/N roared, their trajectory set for the hotel below.

The impact was imminent, and the ensuing collision sent shockwaves through his entire being. The hotel yielded begrudgingly, crumbling under the force of the collision, Y/N found himself ensnared within the tumultuous embrace of its disintegrating hold.

The pain that followed was not just physical; it transcended the boundaries of imagination, an indescribable agony that painted the edges of his consciousness in hues of searing torment.

But they remained upright, a bloody yet triumphant grin etched onto their face.

Adam, amidst the fiery ruins of the hotel, could only gawk in awe at the sight of Y/N, his body marred with wounds yet still eager for battle. Adam didn't fare well either, his protective shell already showing signs of fracture.

Alarms blared loudly in the background, flames threatening to engulf both of them in it's fiery hold. Yet, despite all of the dangers around them, they both were the most dangerous to each other.

The alarms grew to a distant hum in the background as Adam spoke up with a smirk.

"Ahah! You're fuckin' insane." He laughed hoarsely, a guitar shaped like a battle axe materializing in his hand.

Y/N merely wiped the blood off his forehead, pushing his hair back with a smirk. "Oh, please. Just shut up and fight me already."

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