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Hey there!
How are you?
New episode was lit, which means we continue the series.
GG EZ, boyz. Also, there's a cooking scene, but I DO NOT know how to make dough so pls no haet.



I deeply sighed as I scooted over on my bed. I stared at whatever the hell I could to release me from the boredom I had. The past few days has not been entertaining, at all. Honestly I might just start drinking and going to clubs again..

Nah, that's kinda pissy of me to even think about, left that life a long time ago(only like 3 months ago) I looked up at my ceiling, aimlessly attempting to bring up any valuable thoughts. 

The only thing that struck me.. Was my job as an assassin. At first, it was thrill, something I hadn't experienced since war.. Well, war was never a thrill. But it was similar. Just painful.

I crossed my arms, closing my eyes while thinking deeper. Of course, it wasn't always like that, my job. It was fun, but now its kind of boring. Kill a person: "Oh cool, they're dead now, another 500 dollars in our pockets."

I just wish that there was some kind of big thing that'd happen, but this company is the meaning of unexpected events. Something will surely happen sooner or later. Until then.. I've got some angels to feed.

I rose from my bed, scratching my head and approaching my door. When I opened it, all three of the cherubs huddled atop each other watching something from the television. What was it? I have no idea, but they were entranced by it so that did be a favor of keeping them from bombarding me.

I walked to the fridge and opened it, cool, so we aren't completely out of food. I've got some eggs, bacon, flour, sugar, salt, and yeast... Hmm, I could make some breakfast sandwiches out of these. Oh yeah, that doesn't sound half bad right about now.

I grabbed some the water, sugar, and yeast, gave it a little stir then let it sit for 5 minutes.. I put the flour in the bowl along with the salt and twisted it so it can get even siding.

I stopped for about 7 minutes, scrolling across my phone on Twitz. Then, I looked back, seeing that the dough had rose some. I walked to it and shaped it into four medium sized balls and put it onto a pan.

I slid it into the oven and set it for 15 minutes. About 15 minutes later, I grabbed the sliced dough from the oven, which now looks like enlarged bread balls. Perfect. I waited about 5 minutes before cutting into the bread, using a very sharp knife I found in the cabinet.

Cutting into half of it, I smirked. It was just how I wanted it to look. I grabbed 4 bacon from the freezer, and slapped it onto a pan with oil. Turning the heat up, things were finally lookin' good.

As the bacon was frying, I put a a quarter cup of water into it. With made the fat of bacon really lead out of the bacon, About 2 minutes later, I took the cooked bacon out. And grabbed the bread slices, putting them into the bacon-fat-filled pan. I let it sit there for about a minute, and took them out.

I grabbed two eggs, and cracked them sunny-side up. I waited about a minute, and grabbed two slices of cheese. Putting it on the eggs, and putting a pan cover over it, I waited a good 2 minutes until opening the top and putting a dash of hell flame hot sauce on mines. Then, I grabbed both of the eggs, put them in the bread slices, and top it off with the bacon.

The Devil (Helluva Boss x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now