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"I just don't get it!" Sunoo pouts as he throws his bag down and flops into the seat next to Jimin. The older girl turns to look at him sympathetically, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and rubbing her palm over it softly. "What's so entertaining about him anyways? He's just some average guy. He's not even Heeseung's type!"

"Who are you talking about," Ningning asks, turning in her seat to gaze curiously at Sunoo.

The boy huffs. "Sim Jake. Heeseung hyung's new boyfriend, or whatever."

"Wait," Ningning says, eyes wide. "He has a new boyfriend already? God, that's so low."

"I know!" Sunoo cries, throwing his arms up and slamming them back down on the table. He huffs, falling into Jimin's side and pouting. "I even tried to separate them but I saw them holding hands this morning on the way to class."

Jimin sighs, nudging Sunoo's side and smiling. "I heard Riki and Jungwon like you. What's so bad about them?"

Sunoo flushes, raising his hands to cover his face. "They're.. they're not my type."

Jimin and Ningning gaze at each other, raising their eyebrows and shrugging. Jimin looks back at Sunoo. "Please. Almost everyone is your type."

Sunoo huffs, pulling his hands away from his face and glaring at the two girls. "Jungwon is too cute and Riki is too straightforward. I'm both of those things. How would it even work out?"

Ningning giggles, leaning forward to ruffle Sunoo's hair. "That's why you don't knock it 'til you try it, Sunoo-yah."

Sunoo sighs, slouching further into Jimin's side and letting his mind conjure fantasies about what it would be like to give Riki and Jungwon a chance, albeit a small one.


"You have a little something on your lip, Heeseungie!" Jake giggles at the sight of whip cream smeared across Heeseung's upper lip. They're cuddled up together on Heeseung's couch, a light romance story playing on the tv.

"Really? Would you be kind enough to wipe it for hyung," Heeseung asks with a small grin, closing his eyes and leaning farther into Jake's space. "Please?"

Jake smiles, leaning forward to wipe the smudge away from Heeseung's lips. "There you go, messy."

Heeseung smiles. And then, like how rain clouds form out of the blue, suddenly, it's gone and replaced with a frown. "You know this can't last forever, right? You're gonna have to wake up at some point Jaeyun-ah."

"What? I'm not even asleep." Jake says, settling his mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table and reaching forward to place his hand on Heeseung's forehead in an attempt to check his temperature. "You're kinda warm. Are you okay, hyung?"

Heeseung hums, turning away to cough into elbow before looking back at Jake. "I'm okay, Jaeyun-ah. Maybe I'm just feeling a little tired. How about we turn in for the night?"

Jake watches in stupor as Heeseung reaches for the remote to turn off the tv and leaves his still filled to the brim mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table. He's oddly silent now, expression more serious than Jake had ever seen it.

When Jake doesn't move to follow behind him, Heeseung turns to give Jake a helping hand, offering Jake a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes like before.

"Come with me, Jaeyun-ah. It's the only way you'll be able to wake up."

What the fuck is going on?

Got a little dark their in the ending, didn't it? A stark contrast to the flowery setting I made before, huh? Guess you'll just have to wait and see what that means ;))

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Got a little dark their in the ending, didn't it? A stark contrast to the flowery setting I made before, huh? Guess you'll just have to wait and see what that means ;))

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