Chapter 35

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As I settled into the comfort of my room, my gaze wandered through the window, but my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, wishes, and hopes. If only life could be as simple as a game, where I could rewind and test different choices, ensuring everyone's happiness. In that alternate reality, Jay and Max would still be my friends, and I'd be blissfully engaged. Yet, despite being in that happy relationship, an unsettling feeling lingered within me.

The ghost of Heeseung haunted my thoughts, a specter of past heartbreak and confusion. It wasn't easy to simply abandon everything and run back to him, especially after the pain he had caused. And yet, despite being extremely content in my betrothal, an inexplicable sense of loss gnawed at me.

A shift on the couch snapped me out of my thoughts as Jungwon joined me, enveloping me in his familiar embrace. His presence was a comforting reminder of the stability he brought into my life, picking up the pieces Heeseung had left behind.

Forcing a smile, I met his gaze. Jungwon, my fiancé, the one who had stood by me through thick and thin. How could I even entertain the thought of leaving him, especially for someone whose name was still shrouded in murder?

"Are you alright?" Jungwon's concerned voice broke through my thoughts. "You've seemed off since Sunghoon's party. Did something happen?"

With a heavy sigh, I squeezed his hand, deciding to confide in him about the unexpected encounter with Heeseung, omitting the detail of our kiss. That was a mistake-a slip that I couldn't afford to repeat. Jungwon was my future, my rock, and I refused to let anything jeopardize that.

Meeting Heeseung again was a stark reminder to leave the past behind and focus on what lay ahead. Dwelling on unanswered questions and past hurts only plunged me into darkness. I couldn't let myself be consumed by someone who was no longer a part of my life.

Jungwon's sigh echoed my own inner turmoil as he leaned back, frustration etched on his features. "Heeseung just can't seem to leave us alone." His furrowed brows and clenched jaw spoke volumes of his inner turmoil.

I watched his expression shift, feeling the weight of his burdens mirrored in my own. "I'm sorry," I whispered, the words heavy with remorse.

He turned to me, dismissing my apology with a click of his tongue. "You haven't done anything wrong."

Turning away, I couldn't shake the shame of allowing Heeseung to kiss me, even as Jungwon reassured me. This was my life now, and I had to stand firm against the shadows of the past, no matter how tempting they seemed.

Jungwon's gaze lingered on me for a moment before he proposed, "Feeling up for some painting to unwind?"

Painting used to be my sanctuary, my escape from the chaos, but lately, it felt like even my brushes couldn't soothe the storm within. Still, I figured it wouldn't hurt to give it another shot.

I offered a hesitant nod at his suggestion, and he sprang up with excitement. "Let's do it," he declared, ignoring my reminder about his looming meeting.

"Shouldn't you be at your important meeting?" I teased, but he brushed it off, pulling me into a warm embrace. "I have an even more important fiancé to take care of today," he quipped, planting a gentle kiss on my cheek before reluctantly heading out the door for work.

"I'll be fine, Jungwon," I assured him, meeting his gaze with determination.

He sighed, conceding defeat. "Alright, but promise me you'll call if you feel even the slightest bit down or confused, okay?"

I nodded earnestly, intending to keep my word. With that, we parted ways, each heading towards our respective destinations.

Stepping into my art studio, a wave of relief washed over me. It was my haven, a place where colors danced and emotions flowed freely.

Her Red Flag: Heeseung X Y/N FFWhere stories live. Discover now