Chapter 15

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The air inside the small burger joint was vibrant with the pulsating rhythm of music and the lively chatter that resonated from the numerous occupied tables. Despite its modest size, the place was brimming with popularity, so much so that a line of eager customers had formed outside, eagerly awaiting their turn to step into the bustling eatery. Luckily, Heeseung had a personal connection with the owner, granting us immediate access and sparing us the wait.

As we settled at our table, Heeseung excused himself to engage in a conversation with the owner, leaving me to my own devices. I sat alone, surrounded by the animated ambiance, absentmindedly tapping the soft bread on the table with a spoon that had been thoughtfully arranged upon our arrival. Lost in thought, my mind wandered to Jay, contemplating how he was feeling right now or what he could possibly be doing. I took out my phone from the pocket of my sweat pants. It has remained switched off since the night at the movies with Jay. Part of me longed to power it on, eagerly anticipating his call and yearning to hear his voice once again. However, my anger towards him and the actions he had taken overshadowed any such longing.

Releasing a sigh of frustration, I raised my head and directed my gaze towards Heeseung, who engaged joyfully with the restaurant staff. Despite the distance, the sound of their laughter pierced through the chatter of the crowded tables, indicating the lightheartedness of their conversation. I watched as Heeseung's eyes crinkled at the corners, transforming into small half moons, while his smile widened, revealing his perfectly aligned, pearly white teeth. The sight brought a smile to my face as I observed the genuine happiness emanating from him. It was evident that he felt at ease and completely at home.

Amidst the bustling atmosphere, our eyes connected through the sea of people, and I bestowed upon him a small, heartfelt smile. It didn't take long for him to make his way back to our table, skillfully balancing a tray laden with our scrumptious food.

"Your order, ma'am," he uttered with utmost politeness.

My hunger getting the better of me, I couldn't help but smile in anticipation as the mouth-watering aroma wafted into my nostrils. Without hesitation, I dove into the crispy hash browns that accompanied the burger, dipping them into the restaurant's signature homemade sauce before savoring the first bite. As I relished the explosion of flavors on my palate, Heeseung attentively observed my reaction, taking a sip of his cola. My eyes widened in a delightful blend of surprise and satisfaction, for the taste was nothing short of exceptional.

Heeseung couldn't contain his laughter as he observed the expected reaction I had upon tasting the burger, fully aware of the greatness of this place even before sinking his teeth into the golden strips.

"This is so good!" I exclaimed, finally voicing my opinion after several minutes of silent, blissful devouring.

He chuckled knowingly and replied, "I couldn't agree more. James, the chef here, has always been a culinary genius."

Before long, James himself approached our table, inquiring about our dining experience. A shower of compliments immediately filled the air, enveloping our surroundings.

James laughed heartily, his smile stretching wide, revealing his charming dimples, as he spoke, "I'm delighted that you're enjoying your meal. You're welcome to visit anytime, free of charge."

I smiled at him in disbelief. He looked at me with kind eyes as he continued, "Anything for Heeseung's girlfriend."

"Really!?" I exclaimed, my eyes widening as I glanced at Heeseung and then back at James, prepared to deny the assumption of being Heeseung's girlfriend. However, before I could utter a word, Heeseung gently placed his hand on my arm, thanking James for the kind offer. As Chef James walked away, I stared at Heeseung, a mix of anger and shock brewing within me. He met my gaze, undeterred, calmly asking, "If I had denied it, you wouldn't have gotten free food."

Her Red Flag: Heeseung X Y/N FFWhere stories live. Discover now