Chapter 21

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The scenic view outside my window transformed into a mesmerizing blur as the captivating melody from the car's speakers seeped into my ears. Glancing sideways, I couldn't help but smile at Heeseung, who was focused on driving, his fingers gently tapping the steering wheel in sync with the rhythm. Just as his eyes were about to catch me stealing a glimpse of him, I averted my gaze, trying to conceal my admiration.

Heeseung let out a small chuckle, his hand gracefully shifting from the steering wheel to rest gently on my lap. The unexpected touch startled me, causing me to snap my head in his direction, with astonishment painting across my features. He remained oblivious to my reaction, effortlessly parking the car in the bustling campus parking lot.

Eventually, we arrived at the campus parking lot, where numerous students congregated, patiently waiting for the arrival of the buses. Exiting the vehicle, we made our way towards our group of friends, who greeted us with suspicious looks. Sunoo, wearing a skeptical expression, couldn't help but inquire, "Where did you two go?" My gaze shifted to Jay, who frowned subtly from the corner of my eye, sensing the tension building.

Trying to defuse the growing tension, I replied, my eyes shifting towards Jay, who seemed visibly displeased, "We just went to grab some breakfast."

Before the situation could grow more uncomfortable, two buses arrived at the school gate, attracting the attention of numerous students eagerly awaiting transportation. Without further delay, we boarded the buses, one by one. I settled in the seat next to Max, positioned by the right window, while Jay occupied the seat directly in front of me, with Sunoo by his side. Behind me, Heeseung sat alongside Jake, and Sunoo and Jungwon occupied the seats adjacent to ours. Niki, positioned behind them, sat next to his friend Taki.

Once the lecturer confirmed the presence of all students, the bus embarked on its journey. Almost instantly, Max began whispering about the latest gossip, sharing details of how Jake had been growing closer to her, despite her previous flirtations with Jungwon. But she shared her disappointment that Jake still hasn't made a move. As we reached the midpoint of the trip, exhaustion took over Max, and she drifted off into a deep slumber. Lost in my thoughts, I absentmindedly gazed out the window at the indistinct roads passing by.

Suddenly, a hand tapped mine from the narrow space between the seat and the armrest. Lifting my head, I turned to look behind me, only to find a playfully frustrated frown adorning Heeseung's face. A small smile danced upon my lips, and without hesitation, I reached out and intertwined my fingers with his. When I made sure that no prying eyes were watching, I leaned in and pressed a gentle peck on his fingers, a sweet secret shared between us. Closing my eyes, I began to massage his hand, gradually succumbing to the pull of drowsiness. Soon, the rhythmic motion of the bus and the warmth of his touch calmed me into a peaceful slumber of my own.

As I slowly awakened from my slumber, I noticed that the bus was gradually emptying out, and it was Max's hand shaking my body that brought me fully back to reality. With a swift movement, I glanced down at myself, discovering that I was now covered in one of Heeseung's oversized jackets, the same one he had worn earlier.

A warm smile graced my lips at the thoughtful gesture, but the moment was fleeting as Max tugged me upright, wanting me to leave with her.

Hastily, I slipped on the jacket and turned around, only to realize that Heeseung was no longer seated behind me. With a quick retrieval of my bags, I followed Max's lead and stepped off the bus.

The sun had climbed high into the sky, casting its brilliant rays upon the surroundings. Despite Max's animated chatter about her excitement, my eyes darted around, scanning for any sign of Heeseung. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands sneak around my waist, cleverly concealed beneath the oversized jacket. My head spun around, and there he stood, a mischievous smirk playing on his face.

Her Red Flag: Heeseung X Y/N FFWhere stories live. Discover now