Chapter 14

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My weary eyes fluttered open, assaulted by the bright sunlight pouring through the window. Despite the fresh air, my eyelids felt sore and heavy from the tears I shed the night before. The reality of Jay's betrayal was still sinking in, and the fact that he had spied on me for my father, of all people, was a bitter pill to swallow. With a deep sigh, I cursed my life silently, feeling utterly defeated.

As I adjusted to the brightness, a figure caught my eye. Heeseung's silhouette was leaning against the bathroom door, toothbrush in hand, brushing his teeth with effortless nonchalance. His hair was damp, with droplets of water clinging to the strands as they fell gently on his forehead. Despite being fully clothed, his hot body was evident as his fitted shirt clung to his toned muscles. His skin was radiant and flawless, a clear result of his diligent skincare routine.

I slowly dragged my body up to sit up and look at him. As our eyes met, he disappeared into the bathroom, and I heard the sound of water running from the faucet. Feeling self-conscious about my swollen eyes, I curled up into a ball, holding my knees with the duvet over them close to my chest. It wasn't long before Heeseung reappeared, leaning once again against the bathroom door with an easy nonchalance.

"Good morning," His voice was gentle and soothing, sending shivers down my spine. I felt my throat tighten, making it difficult to speak, so I simply nodded in response. We sat there in silence, but for once, the awkwardness didn't bother me. In a strange way, it was comforting to have someone near me without the need for meaningless chatter.

Suddenly, he spoke again, breaking the comfortable silence I needed. "You know, for someone I keep asking to stay away from me, you keep coming back," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I let out a soft scoff, feeling the corners of my lips turn upward ever so slightly, but it was hardly enough to be considered a smile. He crossed his arms and walked towards me, sitting at the edge of the bed, his presence radiating a sense of calm.

"So," he sighed, his voice filled with concern, "Jay did something wrong, I guess?"

I would've normally denied it and done whatever it took to defend Jay, but this time I was defeated. I looked up at him, my head still lowered. With a slight nod, I confirmed that he was right.

He smacked his lips and leaned back, using his arms as support. "Jay did something wrong, and that's why you came to me?" He inquired gently, with a hint of venom in his tone.

I lifted my head, meeting his gaze with a fiery glare. "I didn't come here seeking love or friendship, and I certainly didn't come here hoping that you could replace Jay because you can't," I snapped, my voice laced with anger.

He let out a small chuckle, unfazed by my words. Tilting his head slightly, he looked at me with a gentle smile. "Then why did you come to me?" he asked, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

I paused. I was taken aback by his direct question, my mind racing with conflicting emotions. My hands were tightly gripping the duvet around my knees, and my anger and frustration were palpable. Why did I come to him yesterday, of all people? Especially when I hate him, don't I?

I slowly lifted my gaze to meet his patient stare, his black eyes glistening with understanding. For a moment, I felt a sense of calm wash over me, as if I could be completely honest around him.

"I don't know," I finally admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "You were just the first person I thought of."

Heeseung nodded, his expression softening with understanding. He seemed to know how much I needed his comfort, especially after all the times he had been there for me in the past. Whenever I cried, he was always there to comfort me without needing to know the reason behind my tears. It was strange how I could feel so at ease when crying with him, yet the tension between us in a normal conversation was almost unbearable.

Her Red Flag: Heeseung X Y/N FFWhere stories live. Discover now