Chapter 6

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"I needed this." I said as I sat down on the mat laid out on the grass with nothing but a backpack and snacks.

"I did too." He chuckled as he stretched and laid his head on my lap with his eyes closed.

I began patting his hair as I looked out at the neatly cut grass. I then watched as people walked their dogs. While some conversed while laughing amongst each other. After the past few days, this was comforting.

"What?" I asked Jay, who kept on looking at me.

He gave me a playful smile before saying, "Just counting your chins."

I clicked my tongue before pushing him off of me. He laughed at my reaction before admitting he was joking. As he sat up, I looked at his shirt, which exposed a bit of his collar bones and chest. He playfully covered himself as if I were undressing him with my eyes.

"Don't look, you pervert!"

"Oh, I was noticing how unattractive your chest looks." I joked to get revenge.

He raised his eyebrows and flashed a flirty smirk.

"I don't think that you can tell how unattractive or attractive it is like this."

My eyes widened as he moved his hands to his buttons. As he opened one, I screamed and reached out to stop him.

"Have you gone mad?"

He pushed my fingers away while laughing. "I have to cover up well; there are a lot of perverts here," he added as he buttoned up and looked at me.

"Do you want to die here?"

"Before you kill me," He stood up and extended out his hand for me to hold, "Let's go and get that ice cream that I promised to get you."

I happily nodded as I got up and started packing everything in the bag. Jay bringing it up confirmed my suspicions. He wasn't the one who left the ice cream in the cooler bag for me last night. Heeseung was the other person I suspected. Though it didn't make sense for many reasons. Especially since he claimed he was only in the girl's dormitory to see Rae. Yet as I was leaving my room this morning, I met a hungover Rae. She claimed she hadn't been in the room the night before because she had been sleeping at Nina's place. I didn't tell her what he said, but it was only then that I began to suspect him.

The question now was,


I've already established by overthinking about it the whole car ride here with Jay that he knew exactly how I liked my ice cream by overhearing Jay and my conversation in the library. But I could not understand why he would go to the trouble of buying it and putting it in the room. This brought me to my third question: how does he enter my dorm room even though we lock it? Max and I were the only ones with the keys, and as far as I know, I had both in my possession. So how can he enter so easily without even breaking the door down?

"Come on, it's a five-minute walk." He said this while grabbing my hand after taking the bag from me.

As planned, we both enjoyed the ice cream before we finally made our way back to the campus by bus.

I was about to go to my room to rest before he dragged me to the school fountain and sat me down under it.

I asked with a chuckle, "Why?"

"I want to spend more time with you," he confessed as he held my hand in his.

He smiled sweetly as he gazed at me.

"Should we go to the park once a week?"

"Have you gone mad?" I chuckled.

"Fine, once a month?"

Her Red Flag: Heeseung X Y/N FFWhere stories live. Discover now