Chapter 18

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I nestled into the comfort of Max's lap, feeling the softness of the cushion beneath me. The room was a scattered mess of books, neglected reminders of our supposed study session. Instead, we found ourselves engaged in a long conversation, delving into the latest gossip swirling around the campus. According to the rumors, Rae and Nina had become the hottest couple around, while a handful of acquaintances had been caught with alcohol during class and were facing suspension until exams. While a huge fight broke out at a party last week as someone was caught cheating.

Amidst the chaos of rumors, one particular rumor played constantly in my head. With playful fascination, I toyed with Max's dark locks, twirling each strand around my fingers. Having rested my head on her lap for what felt like an eternity, I finally decided to ask her about the gossip that had been swirling in my mind.

"What about you and Jake?" I inquired, breaking the comfortable silence.

At the mere mention of his name, Max's gaze lifted from her phone, intrigue twinkling in her eyes.

"What about him and me?" she responded, her interest piqued.

"Well, I heard that you two have been sleeping together," I asked.

For a brief moment, the room hung suspended in stillness as Max processed my words. Sensing the tension, I couldn't help but feel a bit anxious, uncertain of how she would react.

With a soft chuckle, Max finally broke the silence. "What! Who told you that?"

"Heeseung," I replied honestly, my voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

Her laughter danced through the room, momentarily dispelling the tension. "Please don't tell me you believed him," she playfully chided.

I shrugged, offering a sheepish grin. "Well, he did mention that you two spend a lot of time in his room, which explains why I hardly see you in our dorm."

Max rolled her eyes, her expression mirroring a mixture of exasperation and amusement. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before explaining the situation. She revealed that she and Jake had indeed been spending a lot of time together, often she'd even find herself cuddling with him. However, she emphasized that their connection had never ventured into the realm of intimacy—no sexual activities, not even a simple kiss.

With curiosity still burning within me, I pressed further. "Then why do you continue to spend so much time with him?" I queried, my voice laced with genuine concern.

A sigh escaped Max's lips as she rested her head against the wall, her expression now tinged with uncertainty.

"To be honest," she admitted softly, her voice carrying a tinge of vulnerability, "I don't know if he's playing me or if I'm playing myself."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my confusion evident on my face as I searched for answers in her frustrated expression.

With a delicate touch, she massaged her forehead, her fingertips delicately grazing her skin. "It's like he's constantly sending me mixed signals," she began to explain. "Sometimes it feels like he's genuinely interested in me, but then, in the blink of an eye, he makes it abundantly clear that we're just friends."

I let out a weary sigh, recalling a similar instance where Jake had played with our emotions. After calling her ex, Jungwon, and introducing himself as her boyfriend, he later asked me to keep it a secret from Max so that she wouldn't "get the wrong idea."

Max sat up abruptly, rolling her amber eyes in frustration. She turned to face me, her features etched with a potent mix of anger and annoyance.

"I honestly don't understand what to do anymore," she confessed, her voice laced with both exhaustion and vulnerability.

Her Red Flag: Heeseung X Y/N FFWhere stories live. Discover now