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Robby and Miguel get stuck babysitting their new baby sister, Laura, and call their girlfriends for help.

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"OK, we're here. What's the emergency?" Sam exclaimed rushing in after receiving multiple texts from Miguel and Robby asking her to pick up Tory and get over to their apartment immediately for an emergency.
"You have to help us. Johnny and my mom left us to babysit Laura, and we don't know what to do." Miguel rambled holding the crying baby. The former enemies looked at each other and burst out laughing together.
"And what makes you think we know what to do?" Tori asked slyly, expecting them to trip up.
"Well, you both have younger brothers." Miguel answered. Sam and Tory eyed each other suspiciously waiting for the boys to slip up. "And?" The brunette pressed.
"We just thought you might have some experience, or remember from when your brothers were babies." Robby said slowly, knowing exactly what his girlfriend was up to.
"Mm hmm." The blonde hummed turning her icy stare onto her boyfriend.

"Come on, please help us." Miguel begged standing up and bringing Laura over to them trying to convince them with cuteness. Holding his sister in front of him, Miguel said in a high pitched voice "Hi, Samantha. Please play with me, the boys are so boring." Sam laughed a little but a glare from Tory soon quietened her. If nothing else, the silly voice Miguel put on got Laura to stop crying. He moved to do the same thing to Tory but before he could even open his mouth the ex-Queen Cobra shot him down. "No."
"Oh, come on, Laura loves you." Miguel said as the baby automatically reached out for Tory.
"Lose the smirk, Keene." Tory didn't even have to look over Miguel's shoulder to know the expression that resided on her boyfriend's face. "And, Laura only loves my blonde hair because it reminds her of her daddy." Tory explained as she uncurled Laura's small fist from her hair.

Seeing that Miguel's approach was failing Robby walked over to try his. Pulling Tory into his arms and away from the others he said "Come on, this will be so much more fun if we do it together."
"Come on, you're amazing and can convince everybody of everything and you're amazing, and you walk in like the light and she's crazy."
"Robby." She tried to get out of his arms but he held on tighter and pecked her on the lips, Tory laughed seeing the look on his face. "Babe, if you help... I'll do that thing."
Tory managed to hold in her laughter to get her own back "Hmm, tempting, but no." Tory came up with her own plan "Tell you what, Keene." She said before leaning closely into his ear in and whispering something while both Miguel and Sam looked on curiously. "If you manage to get through today, we'll talk about that hypothetical situation that you love so much." Robby looked at her questioningly with an eyebrow raised "Seriously?"
"Yes, it is a very serious topic."

Robby stood back and let Tory go from the cage his arms had created. "Okay! Come on Miguel, I'm sure we can manage it." He immediately changed his tune. "How hard can one little, adorable baby be? Come to your favourite big brother." He cooed taking Laura out of a stunned Miguel's arms.
"No, no. Come on! What did she say?"

"Let's go." Tory said grabbing Sam by the arm.
"What did you say?" Sam giggled.
"Have fun, boys." She called over her shoulder.

Outside, Sam was dying of laughter now "Tory seriously, what did you say to him?"
"Oh, I can't tell you that!" Tory waved her off and walking to the car.
"Why? Is it something dirty? It always is with you two!"
"Not exactly... Let's just say Robby said something hypothetically so I told him to prove it." Tory smirked.

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