Aftermath (1)

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Post S5 - I think Tory's arc may go one of three ways in the beginning of S6. She's going to be traumatised after being tortured by Cobra Kai and there are 3 ways I think she will deal with it.

1. Training excessively mentally scarred/traumatised from what she went through

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Tory had taken a break from karate for the rest of summer to let her hand heal before finally joining Miyagi-Fang. To no-one's surprise, the ex-Queen Cobra preferred the Eagle Fang part of it. Despite her break, it barely looked like Tory had slacked off.

"Miss me?" She questioned with a smirk after throwing Robby down onto the mat like the good ol' days in Cobra Kai.
"You have no idea." He said in amazement.

"Guys! You might want to see this." Hawk ran into the indoor dojo to get them before running back outside. Tory and Robby followed him confused until they saw who had come to visit the dojo. Tory felt her heart lurch into her mouth at the sight of Sensei Kim but tried not to show it on the outside.

As Daniel, Chozen and Johnny dispatched of Cobra Kai's new Sensei and students from South Korea, the kids discussed it amongst themselves. "I don't get it. Cobra Kai's been gone all summer. Why show their faces now." Miguel said.
"Why come back at all? I thought they were done after we released that footage." Anthony added.
"It's like they knew I was coming back." Tory said monotonously kicking a stone on the ground.

The reappearance of Cobra Kai and Kim set Tory on edge and she asked Senseis Lawrence and Toguchi for some extra lessons to catch up on things that she'd missed.

"Yeah, just let us know when you're ready for the hardcore stuff. You might want to ease your hand back into it." Johnny suggested.
"I'm ready. I'll come by the warehouse after school." Tory waved him off.
"Well, I... we understand if you want few days to..."
"I'm ready." Tory cut Chozen off before walking away. The two adults looked at each other thinking about it for a few moments before shrugging the unsure feeling off.

The afternoon, as promised Tory came to the Eagle Fang warehouse to train. Deciding to trust her instincts and that she knew her limitations, Johnny and Chozen put her through a rigorous training program of handstands, flips, cartwheels, kicks, kip ups and bo staffs, before ending with a more traditional method of a piece of apparatus from Cobra Kai - a wing chun wooden punching dummy. Whilst doing the drill, Tory started to get flashbacks of punching the stone dummy and sent jab after jab to the pad in the middle of the dummy. Seeing her get out of control, Chozen called "Tory, that's enough." But she didn't stop. "Tory!" Still nothing. Tory lifted her leg and hit the dummy with a side kick so powerful it snapped the wood in half. Johnny coughed "Well, it's safe to say you've stayed in shape."
"I'm ready. Whatever they got coming next, I'm ready." Was all Tory replied and ran her hands through her hair while she caught her breath. Johnny and Chozen watched her concerned as Tory stared at the broken dummy. "Yeah." She sniffed convincing herself.

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The next day at school, Tory was sitting on one of the couches during the break lost in a world of her own. She didn't hear Miguel and Hawk walk up to her. They had missed being friends with her when they were on opposite sides, and the had promised Robby that they would keep an eye on Tory during school when he couldn't. "Tory?" Hawk called as they walked up the stairs. Miguel sat opposite her while Hawk stood over her calling her name again "Tory?"
"Fine!" She exclaimed snapping her head to look up at him. "I'm fine." She repeated assuming that's what she had been asked. That was all people had asked her for months.
"Good. It's good that you're fine." Hawk said finally taking a seat beside her.
"What were you thinking about?" Miguel asked.
"Oh, come on. You can tell us." Hawk pressed.
"I wasn't thinking anything, really."

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