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Medieval/sleeping beauty era

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Following the deaths of the kingdom, Kai's previous co-rulers, John Kreese and Terrance Silver, the kingdom had fallen into disarray and had fractured into two separate kingdoms as their successors were unable to agree on how to rule. John's successor, Johnny, thought that some of Kai's laws were too harsh and had discussed lightening them with John before he died. Whereas, Terrance's successor, Michael wanted to keep to traditional laws and didn't see a problem with them.

The two young men agreed to a sit down to try to come up with a solution when one sudden occurred to Michael:

"There is one way both our families can enjoy the country's wealth."
"How?" Johnny asked?
"You know my wife is pregnant?"
"Well, the sorceresses believe that the child will be a girl. And you already have a son."
"You wish to betroth your unborn daughter to my baby son?"
"Why not? You and I can't keep fighting each other - there are bigger enemies - this betrothal in the interests of our children will prevent us from killing each other and one day they will both rule and by spending time together and learning both ways from a young age they will be able combine them more easily than the two of us."
"I like it. Just one question though, what if the sorceresses are wrong and you don't have a daughter?"
Mike laughed "Well, they haven't been wrong yet."

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