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Post Season 5 finale.

What do Tory and Johnny have in common?


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"Dad!" Robby called going to check on him after he and Carmen finished embracing. Robby pulled Tory along with him by her good hand having not let go of her since their passionate reunion.

"Robby." He pulled his son in for a hug relieved to see him. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. What about you? Silver said he was the only one left standing."
"Yeah, that was before the old bastard skipped out on us."
"You still need to go to hospital, Johnny." Carmen reminded him.
"Yeah, definitely." Robby agreed with his step-mom.
"Fine." Johnny accepted. "Robby, do you need to go to hospital?" He asked.
"No, I'm fine. The paramedics already gave me some oxygen the rest are just minor."
"Oxygen? Why did you need oxygen?"
"It doesn't matter." Robby dismissed. He turned back to Tory but before he got a sound out she snapped "Don't even think of asking me to go to hospital."
"You need it."
"Did you at least let the paramedics check you over?"
"Tory." He pleaded.
"No, Robby. I'm tired and I just want to go home." She just so happened to let out a yawn and an involuntary stretch at that. However, as Tory stretched her right arm out white hot blinding pain immediately shot up it, so sore that she doubled over.
"Tory!" Robby immediately moved to her side as the adults looked on in concern. "Please go get it checked out." He begged.
"You and I both know I can't afford that. It'll be fine. Can we just go home?"
"I'll pay." Amanda spoke up.
"Oh, absolutely not." Tory immediately said beginning to walk away. She refused to be a charity case.
"How are you going to help your mom and brother if your hand heals wrong?" Robby prompted stopping her in her tracks.
"You realise I just stopped being mad at you, right? You really want to piss me off now?"
"The only reason your mad is because you know I'm right." Tory couldn't look at him, at any of them, she hated feeling like this, weak, in pain, and in need of help. "It's okay, baby." Robby said getting closer to her and cupping her face to make her look at him. "Just this once. Please. Let me help, let Mrs LaRusso help." Tory's eyes welled up, half from the pain and half from the different emotions swirling around her head. "Besides if my Dad can put aside his stubbornness to go to hospital, anyone can." Robby joked. Tory looked over Robby's shoulder to the elder Lawrence; he looked back at her with understanding in his eyes.
"Okay." Tory muttered into Robby's neck, purely because she felt like she was about to collapse from the pain and there would be no way to hide that she needed help then.

Robby led Tory over to one of the ambulances - the same one his father was now sitting in. "Room for one more?"
"Yes, but no passengers." The paramedic said. Tory tried to turn around. "No. It'll be fine. I'll meet you there, I promise." Robby swore. Johnny also looked disappointed as Carmen stepped down from the ambulance. "Come on, Robby. We'll go home and pick up the car." She said. Robby looked up at his father silently asking him to watch over Tory.

"All right folks, just give us a minute to check our colleagues don't need our help with anything before we set off. No one's gonna die in the immediate future, right?"
"Only of boredom." Tory muttered making Johnny smirk. They soon realised the paramedic was serious and answered "No."

It was silent for a few moments when the blondes were first left alone before Johnny spoke up.

"I saw what she did to you."

Tory refused to look at him but she nervously covered her hand.
Johnny noticed and clarified "Not that. At Topanga. With the cane."

Tory continued to ignore him for a few minutes before curiosity got the better of her. "How?"
"LaRusso's Japanese friend."
Tory tried to piece it together in her mind - she did think it was weird how Sensei Joe never came back to class after one day and put two and two together. "Right."
"Yeah. Chozen and I went to confront Silver, Sam told us where to go cause of the Snapgram."
"Close enough." Tory muttered.
"When I saw Devon in there I went to barge in but Chozen told me to wait because we were there for Silver not the students. So we waited outside..." Johnny trailed off not having to recall what he saw Tory remembered it perfectly.
"Did you tell Robby?"
"Not the details, but enough to get him back in the game."
"Great. More questions I'll have to answer. Thank you very much."

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At the hospital Tory was told she needed x-rays for her hand. Obviously, she thought. However, Robby was reluctant to let her out of his sight given that the last time she ended up trapped in Cobra Kai.

"Robby. I'll go with her." Carmen assured him. Despite not being on shift she would still be allowed more access than the rest of them. "Stay with your Dad." She told him.

As soon as Tory vanished from his sight Robby spun around and focused on his dad again. He had been alternating who he was most concerned about as he couldn't cope with the long list of crazy injuries they both had at once.

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Once Tory and Johnny had received immediate care and the least amount of care possible for their injuries they nearly raced out of the hospital. Robby wasn't sure which one of them hated being there more as he and Carmen trailed behind the two runaways.

Carmen drove home after an argument with Johnny about why he wasn't fine to drive as he insisted.

In the backseat, Tory fell asleep with her head on Robby's shoulder.

"What's Tory's address?" Carmen asked her stepson.
"I would tell you but she just stopped being mad at me so, just take us home."

Once they reached the apartment complex Robby carried Tory into his dad's apartment bridal style.

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The next morning, Tory woke up in a room she didn't recognise. It definitely wasn't her room. It didn't look like Robby's room either although, some of his stuff was there.

Her stirring soon woke her boyfriend. "Morning, baby."
"Robby, where are we?" She prioritised.
"We're at my dad's." He explained.
"Oh." Tory relaxed a little.
"How'd you like my new room?"
"Not bad, Keene." She approved looking around.
"You hungry? Think I can hear my dad cooking."
"Miguel once told me his cooking was... odd."
"He's got better. He is trying to improve before the baby arrives." Robby explained.
"Baby?" Tory spluttered.
"Ah, yeah. You missed a lot."
"Sorry, I was busy trying to take an evil madman down and getting tortured."
"Mm-Hm. We're gonna talk about that today. You promised 'heartfelt shit later'." Robby reminded.
"Breakfast first." Tory said jumping out of bed before Robby could continue the conversation.

As they entered the kitchen area they were greeted by Johnny.

"Morning kid, blondie."

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