No Caller ID

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I was listening to Megan Moroney's new song, "No Caller ID" and this idea came to me.

After their break up, Tory blocks Robby's number, but he keeps calling in the middle of the night to check on her.

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I'm two months deep in therapy

It's been two months since Amanda LaRusso started paying for Tory to go to therapy.

Been finally getting sleep

The volunteer that her therapist had arranged for had also been allowing Tory to not have to do as mush work and she was finally able to chill out and bit and not be up during the night checking her mom's breathing equipment. Of course, there had also been another reason why Tory slept better the past couple of months; being held in Robby's arms during the night was very comforting and it was taking her a while to get used to not having him in her bed.

It's the middle of the night
And my phone starts ringin', and
Here you come again, and there you go

Like clockwork ever since that day at the waterpark her phone rang in the middle of the night. Despite the fact that Tory had blocked the number she knew exactly who was calling.

No coincidence, you always know
When I'm movin' on, you move back in

She did have to wonder how Robby knew she was awake - the boy was too polite to call in the middle of the night if he knew it would disturb her. Tory wondered if Robby couldn't sleep without her as well or if he had got over it already. Maybe he wanted to make sure she hadn't moved on.

With a half-ass, "Sorry, how you been?"
Why do you do it? Do you, just hate losin'?
Here you come again, who could it be
It's 3 a.m., no caller ID

Tory stared at her phone silently ringing and vibrating in her hand so as not to wake her mother and brother and rolled her eyes, she couldn't be bothered to hearing his apology and pretending he cared. She scoffed at the audacity, he was the one who had given her the ultimatum and broke up with her. How dare he call her.

I'm sure, you're sure I'll pick up
And I shouldn't want to, but I do
You know me too well, damn you
Why do I want to? I shouldn't want to

At least, that's what Tory told herself to stop her finger from pressing the green button to accept. God, she missed him.

Don't you get tired of hurtin' me?

Robby sure had a strange way of showing he cared about her, Tory thought.

I'm tired of hurtin' me
I'm tired of hurtin' me
So I let it ring, I let it ring

She thought he was different - different from Miguel... different from every other guy in her life. Tory was tired now, not from the lack of sleep, but from this cycle and was now fully convinced not to accept the call.

Here you come again, and there you go
No coincidence, you always know
When I'm movin' on, you move back in
Keep your half-ass, "Sorry, how you been?"
I know why you do it, you just hate losin'
Here you come again, who could it be?
It's just you, no caller ID
It's just you, no caller ID
It's just you, no caller ID

Tory decided she didn't care for and didn't even want Robby's apology now. If he wanted to give up that easily, that was on him and she wouldn't help ease his conscience.

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Oh my god! It's been so long since I've wrote something for Cobra Kai! (Or anything actually!) Once filming started again at the beginning of this month I started to get excited and back into the fandom.

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