Someone Different Behind the Door

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5x09 rewrite - What if Robby had been the one to turn up at Tory's door?

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Tory was sitting on her beat up couch icing her hand when she heard a knock on the door. She got up to answer it but made the mistake of forgetting to look through the peephole. Opening the door she found the one person she could never truly run away from.

"Hi." Robby said relieved that she opened the door.
"Knew you'd show up eventually." Tory muttered.
Robby had never lived the phrase 'scanning someone for injuries' before and he just so happened to find one in his first try "What happened to your hand?!" He questioned frantically, automatically taking a step forward without realising it.
"Don't pretend like you care." She warned him.
"D-D-Don't pretend like I-" Robby spluttered. How could she think he didn't care? "Of course I care, you have to know that, please." He begged.
"How can I? You just gave up Robby! You left-" Tory cut herself off. She would not cry in front of him. Not tonight. She had cried enough already tonight.
"Tory..." Robby took another step forward and she took two back.
"What do you want? Why are you here?" She questioned putting up a wall between them.
"Well, you never answered your phone."
"I never answered my phone all the other times you called in the past weeks. You never came by then. What makes this time different?" Robby opened his mouth to answer but Tory beat him to it "Oh wait, don't tell me. It's because I gave you information that would get Cobra Kai shut down and that's all you people want."
Robby shook his head "That's what they want. I only got back into the karate war to get you and Kenny out of Cobra Kai because it's bad... but guess you finally learned that." He said glancing at her hand again.
"I never said..."
"You didn't have to. It's them. Is it broken?"
"I don't know. Maybe a little. I was in the middle of icing it." Tory looked back into her apartment where the bag of ice was busy melting in the hot California summer night. Robby gestured for her to go back to it. Tory nodded and returned to her spot on the couch. Robby slowly stepped into the apartment and shut the door unsure if that was an invitation and was giving her time to kick him out. As he waited he looked around - the apartment was a lot messier than the last time he saw it. Tory hadn't yelled at Robby to get out so he moved forward standing opposite her with the coffee table between them - he wanted nothing more than to sit next to her and take care of her swollen hand but he knew that there was no way she would allow that now.

Suddenly, Tory started talking. "I wanted to win the All Valley more than anything. When they handed me that trophy... that was the best moment of my life. But then I saw Silver and that ref and it just killed me. I felt like a fraud. I wanted to get back at Silver so bad and that's why I listened to Kreese but then I just got caught up in more lies, and now my life is a living hell."
"Why didn't you tell me any of this?"
"You went to Mexico."
"I asked you if you wanted me to stay."
"I couldn't let you pass up on that opportunity to fix your relationship with your dad. I'm not that selfish."
"And when I came back?"
"You were completely against Cobra Kai at the water park (it felt like you were against me) and then... that stupid ultimatum."
"Yeah, that was stupid." Robby agreed. "We promised not to lie to each other."
"I know and I'm sorry. I hated every minute of lying to you." She nearly cried. "I told Kreese that, of course, that didn't impress him much."

"The others have gone to talk to Stingray - see if they can get him to confess." Robby told her. "I'm waiting to her what happened."
"Okay." Tory said simply, not looking at him.
"C-Can I help you with anything? Please." Robby asked desperately.
Tory sighed still refusing to look at him she said "I think there's some bandages and medical tape under the sink. Can you check?"
"Yes. Yeah, of course." He answered quickly.

Once the ice had melted, Tory slowly let Robby help her bandage her hand up. The exes sat in silence aside from Tory barking the odd instruction, so they both jumped when Robby's cellphone started bleeping with multiple texts.
"Good or bad, do you think?" Tory chuckled.
"Good. I hope." He said pulling his phone out and reading it. "They got it." Robby informed Tory. "Stingray basically admitted it was Silver who assaulted him in the old dojo. But he's too afraid to go to the police."
Tory looked up in shock "I knew Silver was involved, but... I had no idea he did it with his own hands."
"They said the only thing is, they can't prove it." For the first time in weeks they both looked at each other and had a silent conversation. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Tory asked him.
"Silver installed cameras in the old dojo." Robby finished.
"And there weren't many blind spots." Tory remembered as they had struggled to find places to hide their new relationship after prom.
"Here. You message them and tell them to meet at my Dad's and I'll finish bandaging your hand." Robby said handing Tory his phone.
"Okay. Did you drive here?"
"Okay." Tory said adding that they'd be there soon.

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