Switching Rooms

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The Sekai Teikai was fast approaching and the teams were busy planning travel and accommodation. A topic that the teens seemed very excited by as they discussed who was going to be rooming together. This same topic that excited the teens, concerned Daniel when he heard his daughter planning to room with her boyfriend, Miguel.

"Come on, Johnny. Back me up here." He begged his co-sensei as he explained what he had overheard thinking that Johnny would be against it for his sons like Daniel was for his daughter.
"What do you want me to say? Robby's been staying with Tory nearly every night over the past few months helping her around the house because of her hand. They practically live together now."
Daniel growled in frustration "You're useless. Just wait till it's Laura, then you'll think different." He warned the new girl dad.

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Even all the way up until they got to the hotel, Daniel tried to keep Sam and Miguel separate. When he was dishing the room key cards out after checking in he handed two to the girls and two to the boys.

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Almost immediately after Robby and Miguel had gotten into their room, they heard a knock on the door.

As soon as Miguel opened the door, Tory walked in with her suitcase trailing behind her.
"Hello?" He greeted the blonde confused.

They had barely had time to set their luggage down and Tory noticed that Miguel still had the cardboard wallet with the hotel keycard still in his hand and took it out of Miguel's hand switching it with her own.

"B-But Mr. LaRusso-"
"Don't care. Not my problem." Tory said bluntly and Robby snickered from the bed he had sat down on to enjoy the show of his girlfriend bossing his step-brother out of the hotel room.
"I mean, you can stay if you really want..." Tory explained while suggesting to Miguel what he would be witnessing if he stayed. "I'm going! I'm going. I'm gone." He quickly announced grabbing his stuff.
"Good luck. Have fun!" He heard his brother call before sniggering.
"You're welcome!" Tory shouted after him as well.

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