King Cobra

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Just saw an article with an interview with Jacob where he said that the writers originally planned for Robby to win the final fight so...

"Unbelievable!" Daryl called into the mic stepping onto the mat "These two amazing competitors have reached their three-minute time limit in a 1-1 tie! Which means their championship match will be decided, for the first time since 1985, by sudden-death overtime!" The crowd erupted into cheers "Let's go!" Daryl shouted.

Silver and Kreese looked over to Daniel remembering that sudden-death match from 1985. Meanwhile, Hawk and Robby looked at the crowd cheering and had a moment of mutual respect for each other and their fighting abilities - Hawk bowed first and Robby mirrored him.

"Go to your senseis." The referee ordered.

"You're showing him respect." Silver spat unable to believe what he was seeing "This fight should be over by now." He said angrily turning around. "Do you wanna fight him?" Robby challenged causing Silver to turn back around and stalk towards Robby furious at his attitude but Kreese put a hand on his chest stopping him, speaking to Robby he said "You're angry. Good. Use it."

"Competiors, to the mat." The referee called after their one minute rest break was up.

As Robby walked back to his starting line he tried to fix his gi but it was too messed up - not wanting Hawk to grab at it again during the fight Robby ripped it off and threw it to Tory who easily caught it, nodding at him to wish him luck.

The secret couple's actions caused Piper to smile amusedly at Tory and Silver to shake his head. The Cobra Kais knew that Tory and Robby had gone to the prom together for tactical reasons but they also knew that the two top students had disappeared early and had been acting different during the past week. However, the King and Queen Cobra refused to comment on anything. Kreese and Silver had also noticed the change in their behaviour, much to their annoyance, hence their extra no emotions warnings.

Hawk looked at the referee confused who shrugged meaning there was no rule against it so Hawk took his own shirt off and threw it to his best friend, Demetri, who looked confused as hell. Hawk rolled his shoulders making the hawk tattoo on his back look like it was flying letting Robby know who he was dealing with despite the former having chopped off Eli's Mohawk.

"Next point wins. Good luck, gentlemen. Ready?" The referee asked. To which Robby replied with a grunt getting into his fighting position.
"And... fight!" He called.

Following Cobra Kai's teaching Robby threw the first kick which Eli dodged. Robby followed with a more advanced move which Eli dodged again dropping his body low to avoid being kicked. Robby went for another kick which Hawk blocked, Robby dropped the foot that he had kicked with onto Hawk's thigh and boosted himself into a backflip which Hawk dropped himself to the ground for to avoid Robby's legs hitting him before doing a kip up once it was over. Robby had stumbled in his landing and was forced to drop one knee to the ground to steady himself. Seeing his opponent in a compromised position Hawk ran at Robby wrapping his legs around his torso but Robby used his superior strength to flip Hawk to the ground causing the tattooed boy to groan in pain from the impact. Having his opponent pinned to the ground Robby raised his left fist ready to deliver the finishing blow. And struck first, hard and with no mercy.

Team Cobra Kai and some of the audience cheered before the referee called it knowing Keene had scored. "Point!" Robby heard the referee call and looked up having almost not realised what that punch meant "Winner!" The referee shouted grabbing Robby's hand and pulling it in the air. With that call all of the Cobra Kais ran onto the mat to congratulate him. The guys hoisted Robby up in the air. Tory was on the ground clapping and smiling up at him, seeing her Robby smile grew even wider; all he wanted was to jump down and wrap his arms around her but they had agreed on no PDA until the tournament was over and they weren't being watched and berated by Silver and Kreese for having emotions.

"Your boys champion! Robby Keene!" Daryl announced and the guys let Robby down to collect his trophy. "That means that Cobra Kai has won our Grand Champion race but the trophy presentation for that will take place after the girls final."

Johnny had been desperately trying not to jump up and down so happy for Robby that he momentarily forgot that Robby's win meant that Cobra Kai had won the bet.

"KING COBRA!!" Kyler cheered followed by the rest of the team.
"Yes! Robby! You won!" Kenny said happily. "Hey, don't sound so surprised! Listen Kenny, about what I did..."
"It's cool. No mercy, right. You did what you had to win. I'm actually glad you didn't hold back and treated me like every other opponent and not a little kid." Robby was about to respond but a familiar soft hand turned him round and Robby suddenly found himself very close to Tory's face. "What are you...?"
"Silver and Kreese are distracted. I wanted to congratulate you properly." She explained quickly before kissing him - snaking her arms around his neck as Robby held her waist. "Well done." Tory said pulling back.
"Thank you."
"Oh, and, I think this belongs to you." Tory said smugly holding his gi out to Robby on two fingers. "Perhaps not your smartest move today."
"Hmm. I thought I could feel Silver glaring at the back of my head as I walked away." Robby commented.

Daryl announced the next match "Will it be matching thrones Cobra Kai this year? Find out next in the girls final with the Bonsai Badass vs the Queen Cobra!"
"Your turn." Robby said.

A/n: Happy birthday Robby Keene 🎈👑🐍

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