new beginning

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Ever since the news spread of Jungkook's proposal to Y/n both the family members of them started the preparation for their wedding. They want to keep the wedding as big as they can.

"When will it be? When I finally can hold you as my wife?" Jungkook said to himself and giggled.

Jungkook was talking to himself when suddenly another thought struck him.


"Jungkook I have one condition for the marriage," she said while crossing her hands.

"And what is it?" Jungkook bent to her height and smiled.

"Grow your hair! I want my groom to have hair and not a bald hairstyle" she said and giggled.

"Your wish is my command my majesty," Jungkook said giggled and bowed to her.

*End of flashback*

Ever since that day, jungkook has been applying tons of oil on his head so that he grows fast.

Y/n loved to tease Jungkook about his hair and would often ask him, "Have you applied your hair oil today, Mr. Groom-to-be?"

Jungkook would blush and say, "Yes, my majesty. I don't want to disappoint you on our wedding day."

Their families would often joke about their upcoming wedding, saying things like, "Jungkook, are you sure you're ready to marry Y/n? She's quite the handful," and Y/n would retort, "Oh please, he's the one who needs to be ready for me!"

Despite the comedy and the jokes, their love for each other was real and deep. They couldn't wait to spend the rest of their lives together as husband and wife.

"Jimin go and pick this flower vase and put this on the table carefully" Jin ordered.

"Yes hyung" Jimin saluted.

All of the BTS members were also participating enthusiastically in the wedding as their younger brother and sister were getting married after a long waiting time.

As the wedding day drew closer, everyone was busy with their respective tasks. Jungkook and Y/n were making sure that everything was perfect for the big day.

"Jin Hyung, can you please check the seating arrangements?" Y/n asked.

"Sure, let me take a look," Jin replied as he walked over to the seating area.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was helping his mother with the decorations. "Mom, can you pass me the flower garland?" he asked.

"Here you go, son," his mother replied as she handed him the garland.

As they worked, Jungkook couldn't help but think about his upcoming marriage. "I can't believe I'm finally getting married to the love of my life," he thought to himself.

Just then, Y/n walked up to him and said, "Jungkook, can you believe that we're getting married in just a few days?"

"I know, it's crazy," Jungkook replied with a smile. "But I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with you."

Y/n smiled back, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation. "Me too, Jungkook. Me too." And hugged each other.

"Wait guys wait!.. slow down!". Jungkook and y/n mother came towards them.

"What happened Mom?" They both asked still in each other arms.

"Aigoo get off each other first! And now listen you both cannot meet each other now! Jungkook's mother said.

"What?" They both questioned.

"Yes, you guys can now only meet each other on the day of the marriage!" Y/n mother added.

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