Chapter 21 Splice 'n Dice

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3rd POV

Grandpa Max stretched as he stepped out into the foggy swamplands of Florida, "Looks like we beat the crowd."

"Yeah, you sure we're in the right place grandpa?" Gwen asked.

"Tomorrow this place will be crawling with gator-fest fans." Grandpa Max said.

Gwen stepped out of the RV and her foot landed right in a puddle of swamp water, "Ew!!"

She walked around to the front of the RV to see Ben trying to pry the lens plate of the watch off with a screwdriver, "What are you doing?"

"Who knows how many more alien hero dudes are inside this thing? I just have to figure out how it works." Ben said.

"You shouldn't mess around with that thing, Ben. You're just asking for trouble." Gwen said.

"Just chill out. I know what I'm doing." Ben said as he continued to pry the lens off.

"That's a first." Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Gwen's right, Ben. I want you to promise me you'll take it easy on the Omnitrix." Grandpa Max said.

"Now, don't stay up too late. Tomorrow's a big day." With that, Grandpa Max and Gwen walked back inside.

Ben checked to see they were gone, and went back to fiddling with the watch.

"What are you doing?"

Ben jumped and almost dropped the screwdriver. Y/n was standing there with a small jar of merky green stuff.

"What is that?" Ben asked.

"Swamp gunk. Hope asked me to get her some. Something about a potion." Y/n said as he looked at Ben fiddling with the watch, "You're gonna break it."

"I'm not gonna break it." Ben scoffed.

As soon as he said that, the lens popped off and rolled onto the ground. The dial began freaking out, shooting out electric sparks. One of the stray sparks hit Y/n's watch and it began blinking red to green and spinning.

 One of the stray sparks hit Y/n's watch and it began blinking red to green and spinning

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"Great. Not only did you break your own watch, but you broke mine." Y/n glared at him, "Real smooth Ben."

Ben quickly picked up the lens and began trying to fit it back onto the dial, "I can fix this. I can fix this."

"Okay, while you do that, I'm gonna go tell Grandpa what happened." Y/n said 

"Wait! Don't tell Grandpa! He'll ground me for life!" Ben said.

"That seems more like a you problem then a me problem." Y/n said casually.

"I'll do anything! Just don't tell him!" Ben begged.

This made Y/n pause. He turned to look at him, a sinister smile on his face, "Anything?"

Ben nodded.

Y/n pretended to think about it, "Okay."

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