Chapter 7 New (York) Enemies?

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3rd POV

"Wow this hotel has everything! Indoor pool, full day spa."

The Tennysons were checking into a fancy hotel in New York City. Gwen was excitedly looking through hotel's brochure.

"Now, don't get used to it, it's only for one night." Grandpa Max told her.

Ben was looking around for something to relieve him from his boredom when he spotted a kiosk with the Sumo Slammer logo in front of it.

"Woah, the new Sumo Slammer game is in there!" Ben exclaimed as he made a bee line for the kiosk but was stopped by the guard.


"Uh, must've left it inside. I'm one the game pros testing out the system!" Ben lied.

The guard glowered down at him, "VIPs only."

Ben slunk back to where his family was waiting.

"I know what you're thinking, so no sneaking back in there." Grandpa Max said sternly.

"I won't." Ben said and waited for them to leave before smiling to himself.

He activate his Omnitrix, oblivious to the fact that Y/n was watching him.

Ben pressed down on the lens and transforms into Ghost Freak, "But he will."

He turned invisible and floated toward the kiosks when he felt a hand gripping his shoulder.

"No, he won't." Sub Zero said firmly.

Grandpa Max and Gwen were boarding the elevator when they paused.

"Ben? Y/n?"

Sub Zero appeared in front of them, his hand having a tight grasp on Ghost Freak.

"Ghost. Busted." Sub Zero declared.


"It's not fair." Ben grumbled.

"What's not fair is how much I have to drag you out of trouble." Y/n shot back.

"I told you not to sneak back in there." Grandpa Max told him, "How do you expect me to trust you if you keep misusing the watch?"

"Excuse me. I used it 100 times for good! Why can't I use it just once for me?" Ben said angrily.

"It's not how many times you use it Ben, it's how you use it."

Ben scowled up at his grandpa, "I'm going out for a walk." he said as he stormed out of their hotel room.

Y/n watched him go and snorted, "Selfish little brat." he muttered to himself before following him.


Y/n was looking walking around the bustling streets of New York, looking for where Ben had ran off to.

"Why is it my job to keep an eye on him? I'm not his babysitter." he was muttering to himself. He stopped in the mid stride, "You know what? No, I've been running around keeping dweebus out of trouble since this trip started. I need some time to myself. I deserve time to myself." he declared.

Forgetting about Ben, Y/n began seeing the sights of New York by himself, feeling that he deserved a well earned break from looking out for the dweeb wonder.

Bitting down on a hotdog he bought, he looked around, wondering where his next destination should be. Wandering around a bit, he soon found himself in front of the steps leading up to the New York Public Library.

He looked up at the beating sun and then at the building in front of him, "Eh, might as well cool off while reading something." he shrugged as he walked up the steps.

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