Chapter 2 From The Time Forgotten

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3rd POV

A car was speeding through the road, zigzagging through honking cars that swerved out of the way. Above them a large shadow zoomed through the air while the Rust Bucket was in pursuit behind them. The shadow dived down in front of the car and breathed out a chilling mist that frozen the road in front of it, causing it to served out of control and crash into a nearby wall.

Two guys wearing ski masks crawled out of the busted car and looked up at the insectoid figure standing over them. "Freeze." he said and shot a second blast of frost and froze the thieves up to their torso. A group of cop cars skidding to a stop around them and police officers holding pistol came out.

"They're all yours officers." Y/n told as he unfurled his wings and flew into the night.


"Only canned octopus? I thought this store prided itself on wide selection." Grandpa Max said as he inspected the can in disappointment.

They were at the store called Megamart to buy some food. Well, what Grandpa Max considered food anyway.

"Uh, Grandpa? No offense, but can we have a normal dinner for once? You know, one that doesn't involve stir-fried tentacles?" Gwen asked.

"I can still feel the fried cricket from last night hopping around in my stomach." Y/n groaned.

Grandpa Max laughed, "Nonsense. Now where do you suppose they keep the sheep's bladder?" He said as he moved onto the next isle.

Y/n and Gwen looked at each other and sighed. Then they saw a flash of green behind them. They turned around, "Ben?"

They walked into the cereal isle and found it completely trashed. Boxes open and tipped over with cereal pouring out onto the floor. They walked down the aisle and looked around at the carnage until they saw one box shaking around.

"Aw man, another red card!" said a muffled voice from inside the box. 

Gwen snatched up the box, reached inside and pulled out a small grey alien, "Gotcha! What are you doing?"

Gwen snatched up the box, reached inside and pulled out a small grey alien, "Gotcha! What are you doing?"

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"Uh... Looking for the gold Sumo Slammer Card? Duh."

"You're supposed to use your powers to help people, not find some stupid trading card." Gwen said.

"And also I'm pretty sure that you have to buy all the stuff-"


They turned around, Gwen quickly hiding Ben behind her back, to see the store manager looking at them angrily.


"Just what do you are doing?"

"It wasn't us it was our doofus cousin!"

"Well someone is gonna have to pay for all this!" the store manager said, gesturing to all the open cereal boxes.

Gwen and Y/n scowled. Together they grabbed as much cereal boxes as they could carry and went to go look for Grandpa Max. When they found him, they dumped all the boxes into the cart.

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