Chapter 17 Something's Up with Y/n

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3rd POV

Y/n let out a soft groan as he opened his eyes. He sat up and found he was sitting in the middle of a junkyard.

"How did I get here?" Y/n said to himself.

He left the junkyard and wandered around town until he found the Rust Bucket. He walked in and found the others sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Good, breakfast! I am starving!" Y/n said as he sat down and stole Ben's plate.

"Where have you been?!!" Hope shouted.

"That is a good question. I have no idea." Y/n said as he shoveled the last of the breakfast into his mouth and gave it back to Ben who gave him a dirty look.

"Y/n, you just disappeared." Gwen said as Y/n got up and began digging through the fridge.

"Again, I have no idea what happened. I just woke up in the middle of a junkyard." Y/n said as he pulled out a tub of ice cream.

"It's a little too early for ice cream, don't you think?" Grandpa Max asked.

"For them? Yes. For me? Not so much." Y/n said, "So can anyone remind me what we did yesterday, cause I have no idea."

"We were dealing with some robbers and you just flew off." Ben said.

"We tried looking for you but we couldn't find you." Gwen said.

"Well, I was deeeeep in the junkyard, near all the old used cars and scarp metals." Y/n said.

"And another thing." Grandpa Max picked up the remote and turned on the TV. A news broadcast was currently playing about the sighting of the infamous Mothman and showed a picture of something flying through the night sky.

"It's been like that all morning." Grandpa Max said, "They're saying it ate the metal statue in town."

"Wouldn't put it past you to do that." Gwen said snidely.

Just then, Y/n reached into his mouth and pulled out a metal shard stuck in his teeth. They all stared at him.

"Again, I have no idea what happened last night." Y/n said as he placed the now empty tub of ice cream on the table and began rummaging around the fridge again, "Is it me, or am I still hungry? Seriously, why am I so hungry?"

The others looked at each other, clearly knowing something was wrong.


Y/n was laying down on the bed, minding his own business when Ben began poking at him.

"Knock it off." Y/n said as he shooed Ben's hands away.

He only stopped for a moment before he went right back to poking him, "Where did all that metal go?"

"If you poke me one more time, I am going to break your finger." Y/n warned.

Ben stared at him before giving him a light tap.

"Okay, say goodbye to your fingers!" Y/n said and lunged at Ben.

The two rolled around on the floor in punching each other.

Hope and Gwen looked down at them from the table.

"Boys.." Gwen rolled her eyes.

"They can be so immature some times..." Hope sighed as she flipped through her spellbook.

In the end, Y/n stood in triumph, and thankfully he didn't break Ben's fingers. He slunk over to the bed and passed out on the mattress.

Ben dragged himself over to the table and sat down.

EXTRATERRESTRIAL (Ben 10 x Male Reader Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ